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Budget - Capital Budget 2005/06
Budget - Department for Lifelong Learning Schools Budget 2005/06
Budget - Housing Revenue Account 2005/06
Budget - Revenue Budget 2005/06
Future development of residential care for older people
Homelessness and Advice Service
Library Service Review (July 2004)
Licensing Policy
Local Development Scheme - Statement of Community Involvement
National Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy
NHS Dentistry (joint report)
NHS Dentistry (local report)
Outdoor Activities
Post Inspection Action Plan with a focus on race
Preventing and Managing Obesity in the Young People of Plymouth
Proposed Business Improvement District - Power to Veto
Racist and Homophobic Incident Reporting
Reducing Crime in Plymouth
Smoke Free City
Sports Inspection
Woodford Traffic Calming Scheme (Consultation and Procurement Processes)