Decision details

Life Centre Project Scrutiny Report

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Information Only

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The recommendations of the Customer and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel, as amended by the Head of Policy, Performance and Partnerships in consultation with the Councillor James (Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board), were submitted.


Councillors Fox (Chair of the Customers and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel) and James (Chair of the Overview and Management Board) presented the scrutiny recommendations to the meeting.


Following consideration of the recommendations,


Resolved that –



scrutiny recommendation (1) is accepted and noted;



thanks be extended to the Customers and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel for the quality of the scrutiny review work undertaken;




with regard to scrutiny recommendation (2),




 the Panel is advised that during the construction process there will inevitably be changes required by the very nature of the procurement route and the construction process. There is a robust change management process in place and both Officers and Members understand the need to be able to quickly respond to issues as they arise;




the request to append any change orders to the monthly project manager’s report is accepted however these will contain some commercially sensitive information which will need to be dealt with accordingly;




with regard to scrutiny recommendation (3),




the Panel is advised that the design of the Life Centre has been undertaken in accordance with all relevant legislation and guidance, including those relating to access and the Disabilities Discrimination Act (DDA). The Plymouth Disability Action Network (DAN) have also been closely involved in the development of the design and layout of the building;




however, Cabinet accepts the need to ensure that facilities and management processes are in place which ensure that this issue is dealt with and to ensure that the facility is accessible to all;




scrutiny recommendation (4) is accepted and Cabinet looks forward to engaging with the Panel at appropriate points during the progression of the whole programme of works;



whilst contractual incentives of this nature are commercially sensitive, scrutiny recommendation (5) to keep the issues highlighted under active consideration is accepted;




with regard to scrutiny recommendation (6),




the Panel is advised that it is in the contractor’s interests to maximise the use of local resources and labour such that transport and accommodation costs are minimized;




however, the recommendation to continue to engage with Balfour Beatty around these issues is accepted;



scrutiny recommendation (7) is accepted and engagement with partners will take place as recommended;



scrutiny recommendation (8) is accepted and officers in Development and Regeneration and Culture, Leisure and Sport will seek to ensure that Development tariff monies are allocated appropriately and to the benefit of the scheme wherever possible;



scrutiny recommendation (9) is accepted and reports will be provided as requested.


The Leader thanked the scrutiny panel for their hard work concerning the scrutiny process on the Life Centre Construction Award Contract.


(Councillor Jordan having declared a personal and prejudicial interest, withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the item).

Publication date: 19/01/2010

Date of decision: 19/01/2010

Decided at meeting: 19/01/2010 - Cabinet