Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Bob Coomber, Interim Chief Executive, submitted a written report on the revised Corporate Plan 2012-15. The report focused on –


(a)   the Co-operative Council and its impact on the organisation. The Co-operative Council would put people in control of their communities, with staff having a stronger stake in how services were improved and delivered;


(b)  the Council’s commitment to open government,  including the opening up of decision making, increasing public involvement in the services and improving interactive communication;


(c)   the vision for Plymouth to be “one of Europe’s finest, most vibrant waterfront cities where an outstanding quality of life can be enjoyed by everyone”, which remained a central tenet of the corporate plan. The four long-term priorities for the city, shared with partners, also remained in the plan:


·         Deliver growth

·         Raise aspirations

·         Reduce inequalities

·         Provide value for communities


Councillor Mrs Aspinall, Chair of the Overview and Management Board presented the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board recommendations from their scrutiny of the plan.


Councillor Mrs Aspinall thanked the Cabinet for bringing the revised plan for pre-decision scrutiny.


The Leader commented that the scrutiny session had set the tone for the way in which the Cabinet hoped to be scrutinised in the future which would ensure political accountability and oversight. Cabinet members responded to each of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Boards recommendations in turn, it was reported that –


(d)  youth unemployment would be considered by the Task Force for Jobs.  The Growth and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Panel would be able to evaluate the program every six months, the first scrutiny should take place following the publication of the Plan for Jobs;


(e)  an action plan to increase voter registration was in place and a timetable would be provided for the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board;


(f)    the Co-operative Council ethos was being delivered by all Cabinet members within their departments;


(g)   work was taking place to limit underage drinking and there would be an increase in test purchases. There was further work to do to ensure the balance between a vibrant night time economy and keeping residents safe and healthy. The Cumulative Impact Policy would be reviewed;


(h)  regarding child poverty, the cross party working group was still active and a paper regarding child poverty would be presented to Cabinet in August. The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board would be present at the next meeting of the working group where the relationship with the scrutiny function could be defined. An action plan for child poverty would be presented to the council in the spring of 2013.  There was a nationally and internationally agreed definition of child poverty;


(i)    the Older People’s Charter was currently based within Adult Social Care as there was a pressing need to deal with the most vulnerable in society. The Charter would move to cover all council services as the views of older people were taken into account;


(j)    the energy supply company initiative was featured in the forward plan, there were robust plans in place and detailed proposals regarding a co-operative model for energy solutions would be set out between September and December 2012;


(k)  a paper would be presented to Cabinet in august regarding unfunded capital investment projects. The Cabinet would consider options for quick wins which would be considered carefully in the new arrangements for the capital programme;


(l)    the transition of vulnerable children into adulthood was a high priority for the Cabinet. Councillor Williams and Councillor McDonald would be working closely with each other and partners to identify gaps and address them through an action plan. Increased joint commissioning would greatly assist in this area guided by joint strategies agreed at a partnership level.


Cabinet agreed to recommend to Full Council the adoption of the revised Corporate Plan 2012-15 subject to the following agreed scrutiny recommendations –


(1)  that the progress of the task force for jobs is subject to a six month evaluation by  the Growth and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Panel;


(2)  that the Council produces an action plan for increased voter registration, including joint work with the University, other higher education institutions and with schools;


(3)  that the Cabinet seek and publish partners’ agreed approaches to the Co-operative Council ethos, including those of service delivery partners, such as Amey;


(4)  that Cabinet provide clarity about how the city will balance the needs of the night time economy against the health impacts of alcohol misuse;


(5)  that Cabinet agree with the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board a brief for its input into the development of the city’s Child Poverty Strategy;


(6)  that within nine months child poverty in Plymouth will be defined by Cabinet, following appropriate consultation, including referral to the Children’s Trust Board and brought to Council;


(7)  that the Cabinet provide clarity that the Older People’s Charter is a cross service, rather than a social care initiative;


(8)  that stronger impetus is given to the energy supply company initiative, to provide the earliest possible relief to those in fuel poverty;


(9)  Cabinet will bring forward proposals as to how unfunded capital investment priorities can be considered in a transparent way prior to funding becoming available;


(10)   Cabinet will demonstrate that plans are in place to ensure a smooth and seamless transition for vulnerable children to adulthood.













Publication date: 19/07/2012

Date of decision: 12/07/2012

Decided at meeting: 12/07/2012 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: