Decision details


Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Carole Burgoyne (Director for People) submitted a report on the outcome of the tender process following approval, in March 2013, to Plymouth City Council’s Young Persons’ (Aged 16-25) Accommodation Commissioning Plan for the period 2013-2020 in order to remodel services and realign the accommodation pathway and recommends approval of the successful tenderer.


A separate private report was also submitted which contained commercially sensitive information and was referred to in minute 85 below.


Councillor McDonald (Cabinet Member for Public Health and Adult Social Care) introduced the proposals and indicated that they would provide a single point of access, a short term assessment centre and longer term support and accommodation where necessary for young people.  If agreed, the commissioning would save £118k annually.


Craig McArdle (Head of Joint Strategic Commissioning) and Katy Shorten (Strategic Commissioning Manager) attended the meeting for this item and advised that the commitment for 56 units of accommodation would enable the Council to respond to young people in a crisis and the capital investment in the units would ensure high standards of accommodation for the young people.


Councillor Evans (Council Leader) congratulated the officers on their work and asked that any learning from the process was communicated to other areas in the Council.


Alternative options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Agreed to award a three year contract, containing an option to extend the contract for a further three years in annual increments, to the most economically advantageous tenderer, as detailed in the private report referred to in minute 85, for the management of a ‘Young Person’s (16-25) Accommodation Service in Plymouth.  

Publication date: 18/12/2013

Date of decision: 10/12/2013

Decided at meeting: 10/12/2013 - Cabinet

Effective from: 21/12/2013

Accompanying Documents: