Decision details


Decision Maker: Plymouth Local Access Forum

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Chair read out a letter received from Robin Pearce, Rights of Way Officer (ROWO) saying that he will attend meetings as and when required.  Ross Jago, Democratic Support Officer will now pick up any matters in the first instance.


The following comments were made by members of the group -


            (i)         a LAF wouldn’t normally operate without a ROWO as this person provides technical advice.  Plymouth is not a typical forum and meets 6 times a year which is more than other forums.  Plymouth also has a large number of contentious issues which take up a lot of time and effort.  An option is to see how you get on as a forum without the ROWO;


            (ii)        some members were concerned that the ROWO will no longer attend the forum and that the LAF meets for 3 hours every two months.  They felt that the ROWO should be attendance at each meeting;


(iii)             we need to understand the role of the ROWO, this role assists the Chair and the Secretary in an advisory capacity;


(iv)              can progress be made on the definitive map by the ROWO not attending this meeting?  We have never addressed our relationship with the Planning Department and still awaiting a session with them.  This could be the catalyst to working better.


Resolved that the Chair respond to the letter and express the forum’s concerns and the attendance of the ROWO at LAF meetings is essential.

Publication date: 08/02/2010

Date of decision: 08/02/2010

Decided at meeting: 08/02/2010 - Plymouth Local Access Forum