Issue - meetings

Scrutiny - Risk Management Update - To Follow

Meeting: 30/11/2022 - Housing and Community Services Scrutiny Panel (Item 36)

36 Corporate Plan Performance and Risk Report - To Follow pdf icon PDF 174 KB

Additional documents:


The Corporate Plan Performance and Risk Report was not introduced by a Cabinet Member and instead moved straight to questions by Members. Councillor Shayer (Cabinet Member for Finance & Economy), Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk) and Andrew Loton (Senior Performance Advisor) were in attendance.


In response to questions raised it was reported that:



risk 12 in the report regarding the Council not meeting its obligation to keep data secure by failing to adhere to data protection act regulations was an identified risk and not something that had happened; a description of the risk was contained within the report as well as the mitigation response and actions undertaken to ensure that to the Council’s best ability it didn’t happen; cyber security was also to be discussed at the panel’s scrutiny meeting in February 2023;



risk 14 in the report regarding the Council not meeting its legal obligations regarding the health and safety of the workforce was an identified risk of the situation and the mitigation was included in the report; the Big Listen was to be discussed later in the meeting and this formed part of the mitigation of this risk;



the red risk in relation to staff sickness levels was acknowledged however measures were in place to address what had been identified as an issue affecting the workforce; the Council had a well-developed policy for absence and sickness and it was highlighted that the welfare of staff was important;



a written response would be provided to Members upon the financial implications of the Council’s decision to end the garden waste service early therefore affecting the overall recycling rate in quarter two due to a lower volume of composted waste than in previous years, specifically when it was considered that recycling was sold on for other use.


The Committee agreed:



that a written response would be provided to Members upon the financial implications of the Council’s decision to end the garden waste service early therefore affecting the overall recycling rate in quarter two due to a lower volume of composted waste than in previous years, specifically when it was considered that recycling was sold on for other use;



to note the Corporate Plan Quarter Two Performance and Risk Update.


Meeting: 28/11/2022 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 42)

42 Risk Management Monitoring Report (to include scrutiny update on risk management) - To Follow pdf icon PDF 174 KB

Additional documents:


Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk) presented the Risk Management Monitoring Report to Members. The following key points were highlighted:



three risks had been removed from the strategic risk register as they were broadly a duplication of other risks on the register; the reference to the departure from the EU single market had been removed as this was covered in a wider economic risk taking into account the war in Ukraine, inflation rates etc;



there had been an addition of an amber risk to the register relating to the Government’s loss recovery grant. Additional narrative had also been added to the mitigation around the financial risk identifying the proposals put before Cabinet in November 2022 referencing the in-year budget. The report also highlighted the consideration of risk at scrutiny and should play a greater part in informing the scrutiny panels work programme moving forward.


There were no questions from Members.


The Committee agreed to note the current position with regard to the Strategic Risk Register.

Meeting: 29/09/2022 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 27)

27 Scrutiny - Risk Management Update - To Follow pdf icon PDF 153 KB

Additional documents:


Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk) presented the Scrutiny – Risk Management Update report.


The following key points were highlighted:



the report itself was in response to Councillor Lowry’s request at the previous Audit and Governance Committee to ensure that scrutiny panels were considering risk as part of their workload; it was confirmed that all scrutiny committees received a cut of the strategic risk register (relevant to the panel’s TOR) and used that to populate their work programme;



due to the recent period of mourning for the Queen, several scrutiny committees were moved into October therefore there was little to update however a fuller report would be provided in November;



Members of the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee used the risk register to identify some issues with the adult social care reforms and were looking to the cost of care work.


Members did not have any questions.


The Committee agreed to note the update report.