Issue - meetings

Questions by the Public

Meeting: 27/03/2023 - City Council (Item 64)

64 Questions by the Public pdf icon PDF 138 KB

To receive questions from and provide answers to the public in relation to matters which are about something the council is responsible for or something that directly affects people in the city, in accordance with Part B, paragraph 11 of the Constitution.


Questions, of no longer than 50 words, can be submitted to the Democratic Support Unit, Plymouth City Council, Ballard House, West Hoe Road, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ, or email to Any questions must be received at least five complete working days before the meeting.

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor explained:-


a)    There had been a significant number of Public Questions received for the meeting and in order for all of those members of public in attendance at the meeting to get the chance to ask their question there would need to be a vote to suspend standing orders to extend the amount of time for the item.

The Council agreed to suspend standing orders to allow for a longer time for this item.


For (48)

Councillors Allen, Mrs Aspinall, Briars-Delve, Bridgeman, Carlyle, Churchill, Coker, Dr Cree, Cresswell, Dann, Drean, Finn, Goslin, Harrison, Haydon, Hendy, Holloway, Hulme, Laing, Loveridge, Lowry, Lugger, Dr Mahony, McDonald, McLay, Murphy, Nicholson, Noble, Partridge, Patel, Penberthy, Pengelly, Poyser, Reilly, Rennie, Riley, Salmon, Shayer, Singh, Smith, Stevens, Stoneman, Tippetts, Tuffin, Tuohy, Wakeham, Ms Watkin and Wheeler.


Abstain (0)


Against (0)


Absent/Did Not Vote (2)

Councillors Evans OBE and Darcy.


Councillor Darcy joined the meeting during this item.


The following questions were asked by Members of the Public.

The following question was asked by Jon Hill.

When will the Council fully repair Firestone Bay Pool and create a sea-based diving board pontoon?

A repairs programme has been developed to repair and ensue the longevity of Firestone Bay Pool, otherwise known as Devil’s Point Pool. Subject to funding agreement, the repairs will take place in the next season of 2024 with interim works undertaken this current spring to ensure it is available for users until this time.



The following question was asked by Mr Christopher Wood

Many residents are concerned about the road surfaces in the Compton Ward, they are frustrated that when they report potholes their submissions are often rejected and that when a pothole is repaired, others nearby are left untreated. What measures are the council taking to improve our highway network?

Highways inspectors follow up on all reported defects and work within the council approved guidelines to determine if an intervention is justified. These guidelines reflect national standards and are in place to enable the service to meet statutory (legal) obligations. We are currently trialling an alternative treatment process that would enable emerging and classified potholes to be treated concurrently. If successful, we intend to bring into use in 2023/24. Last year we have introduced a variety of remedial processes, which include: 1) Traditional resurfacing 2) Micro Asphalt – thin coat treatment 3) Surface dressing These prolong service life expectancy of affected section of Highway, offer a cost effective process and increase volume of repair across the City.



The following question was asked by Mrs Lois Lloyd BSc (Hons)

Plymouth’s reputation has been irreparably damaged worldwide by shocking Armada Way tree mismanagement, which inexplicably avoided formal Planning Application scrutiny, transparent equitable consultation accessibility and clear public information site signage. Are urgent governance improvements planned to prevent a repetition of exposing councillors and uninvolved planning officers to public outrage?

Thank you for your question. I read this on behalf of Councillor Bingley. It is clear that the national coverage of the Armada Way  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64