Issue - meetings

Questions by Members

Meeting: 27/03/2023 - City Council (Item 83)

Questions by Councillors

Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.

Additional documents:







Councillor Chaz Singh

Councillor Bill Wakeham

TPOs for the remaining trees on Armada Way

Response: It could not be confirmed as there was an ongoing legal case.


Supplementary: Could Councillor Wakeham share the documents and legislation to Councillors with regards to making a decision on putting TPOs on the remaining trees on Armada Way?


Response: The legal case would need to conclude before any decisions could be made.


Councillor Patrick Nicholson

Councillor Mark Shayer

Works being undertaken on toilets at Harewood House

Response: Councillor Shayer would look into the issue in more detail and respond with confirmation on what future plans for the toilets were and that the works should not be held up.


Supplementary: Monetary considerations were the cited reasons for the stall in works, however the toilets were in a worse state that before the works. At the very least, could the toilets be restored to the state they were in before works commenced?


Response: Councillor Shayer would get back to Councillor Nicholson with the best information he could with regards to fixing the toilets and resolving the issues.


Councillor Ms Kathy Watkin

Councillor Jonathan Drean

New Parking Machines to be powered by sustainable energy such as solar power

Response: Some were already and all new machines would be. Councillor Drean agreed to find out the number of machines and inform Councillor Watkin.


Supplementary: When would the new machines go live?


Response: Councillor Drean would check with the relevant team but believed some had already gone live. There had been an issue with some of the equipment at first, but Councillor Drean believed this had been resolved.


Councillor Lee Finn

Councillor Bill Wakeham

Litter on the A38

Response: Work was taking place that week to remove the litter.


Councillor Jeremy Goslin

Councillor Jonathan Drean

Value of funds that had been made available to local communities to create additional car parking spaces by reconfiguring areas to allow diagonal or perpendicular parking and where in the city were they located

Response: No, but the team were looking to increase the number of parking spaces across the city. He would obtain the information and contact Councillor Goslin.


Supplementary: It had been a manifest pledge in 2021 so could Councillor Drean update on progress made since then?


Response: It was looked at in the North of the city but there were budgetary issues. The parking team were looking at identifying some areas and Councillor Drean was waiting for the team to get back to him on this.


Councillor Natalie Harrison

Councillor Jonathan Drean

Locations of e-bikes and mobility hubs

Response: All Councillors should have been contacted by the project team for this for the best locations within their wards for e-bike/mobility hub locations.


Supplementary: When would the next phase of e-bikes be put in across the city?


Response: When it was launched in the previous week there had been 80, it had increased to 120 at the time of the meeting and was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 83