Issue - meetings

Vote of Thanks to the Retiring Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor

Meeting: 17/05/2024 - City Council (Item 98)

Vote of thanks to the Retiring Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor


Council accorded to Councillor Mark Shayer the sincere thanks of the Citizens of Plymouth for the invaluable services he had rendered to the City as Lord Mayor since May 2023, and for the able manner in which he had presided over the deliberations of the Council during that period.

The Council also expressed its indebtedness to Councillor Kathy Watkin for her diligent and efficient discharge of the duties of Deputy Lord Mayor.


The motion was proposed by Councillor Andy Lugger and seconded by Councillor Bill Stevens.


For (51)

Councillors Allen, Allison, Aspinall, Bannerman, Mrs Beer, Blight, Briars-Delve, Mrs Bridgeman, Coker, Cresswell, Dann, Darcy, Dingle, Evans OBE, Freeman, Gilmour, Haydon, Hendy, Holloway, Krizanac, Laing, Lawson, Lowry, Lugger, McCarty, McLay, McNamara, Moore, Morton, Murphy, Ney, Nicholson, Nicholson, Noble, Penberthy, Penrose, Poyser, Raynsford, Reilly, Ricketts, M. Smith, R.Smith, Sproston, Steel, Stephens, Stevens, Taylor, Tippetts, Tofan, Tuohy, Watkin and Wood.


Against (0)


Abstain (1)

Councillor Mrs Beer.


Absent/Did Not Vote (0)


Meeting: 19/05/2023 - City Council (Item 4)

Vote of thanks to the Retiring Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor

Additional documents:


Council accorded to Councillor Sue Dann the sincere thanks of the Citizens of Plymouth for the invaluable services she had rendered to the City as Lord Mayor since May 2022, and for the able manner in which she had presided over the deliberations of the Council during that period.

The Council also expresses its indebtedness to Councillor Chris Penberthy for his diligent and efficient discharge of the duties of Deputy Lord Mayor.