Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/12/2023 - Select Committee Review (Item 9)



Requests of Government? 


Highlight the difficulty of operating services in the financial climate and:


1.    Request a multi-year finance settlement for the Council against demand-led costs;

2.    Request appropriate financial uplifts to deal with the Living Wage and inflation; 

3.    Request a review of Adult Social Care Funding, so that funding is allocated on need/demand rather than the ability of Councils to raise Council Tax; 

4.    Along-term strategic funding solution for Homelessness;

5.    Welcome an increase in Local Housing Allowance and request that the calculation of the 30th percentile of market value is undertaken in April 2024;

6.    Request continuation of the Household Support Fund;

7.    Reconsider recently announced changes to immigration rules given the significant impact this is likely to bring to bear on the Social Care workforce 

8.    Review home to school transport eligibility andadditional options which could mitigate costs to the Local Authority;

9.    Highlight that the additional funding for highway maintenance (£366k in 23/24 and 24/25) isinsufficient for current requirements.? 


Recommendations to Cabinet? 


10.  Recommend that work is undertaken to assess the impact upon all council budgets of dealing with unauthorised encampments (UE) and consider a centralised budget to deal with costs so that service budgets are not impacted by UE;

11.  Welcome continuation of current Community Grant Scheme and recommend an increased back to £5,000 per member;

12.  Re-profilethe Capital programme to ensure that the programme is affordable for the revenue budget;

13.  Recommend an expansion of the housing programme for Care Leavers;

14.  Recommend that a cross party working group is established to consider contractual arrangements for major projects and the methodology for procurement. 



Congratulate the Cabinet on  


15.  Additional Funding provided in the budget for Grass Cutting; 

16.  The commitment to a new Living Streets programme;

17.  Increased involvement of Ward Councillors in discussion related to Section 106 Monies;

18.  Commitment to not implementing Car Park charges where they are not currently in place;

19.  The new Bus Service Improvement Plan.