Issue - meetings

Session One - Welcome and Overview

Meeting: 06/12/2023 - Select Committee Review (Item 4)

Session One - Welcome and Overview


Also in attendance: Councillor Evans OBE, Councillor Laing, David Draffan (Service Director for Economic Development), Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk), Tracey Lee (Chief Executive), David Northey (Interim Service Director for Finance) and Anthony Payne (Strategic Director for Place).


Councillor Evans OBE (Leader of the Council) provided an overview to the process and the conditions under which the budget was set: 


a)   The national economy was inflicted with elevated levels of inflation and the associated uplift in the minimum wage wasaffecting the levels of spending on the council budget; 

b)   Increases in costs to Adult Social Care and Childrens Social Care, including SEND costs and the increase in cost of transport for these individuals; 

c)   As many as one in five councils were on the cusp of bankruptcy; 

d)   As a top tier unitary authority with more than 300 services to operate, certain choices would need to be made to between the funding of certain services; 

e)   There were strategies and funding in place for various projects, such as the Freeport, Levelling up bid, National MarinePark and shore power.  


In response to questions, the following was discussed:


f)     The aspirations and rationale of the budget;

g)    The outlook and impact of increased funding in Children’s Services; 

h)    The impact of the minimum wage increase, pensions and Revenue Support Grant funding;

i)     Support for small schemes of money such as community grants and living streets funds;

j)     The 2% precept uplift for council tax;

k)    The potential savings from the instigation of annual elections;

l)     Workforce Productivity, flexible working and building occupancy;

m)  Risk Management and review of risk management processes;

n)    The Council Tax collection rate;

o)    Accessibility to services, equality and stakeholder engagement and consultation;

p)    Economic development, growth,investments and the quality of, social values of and return on said investments;

q)    The capital programme and the needs and allocated budget and the moving of revenue to capital;

r)    The localness and social values of spending, investment and procurement;

s)     Staff sickness absence, well-being and the use of contractors/temps.