Issue - meetings

Questions by Members

Meeting: 18/03/2024 - City Council (Item 94)

Questions by Councillors

Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.







Cllr Tippets

Cllr Briars-Delve

There had been issues regarding the placement of bins after collection on footpaths and streets around the Mutley area. What could be done to rectify this issue?

Response:  Streets Services and the Environmental Protection Team would look to trial a pilot in the area relating to encourage people to return bins to the rightful place.

Supplementary: Would it be possible to be updated when CCTV is put in place?

Response: Yes


Cllr Tuffin

Cllr Penberthy

How will the Council ensure the Disabled Facilities Grant is provided with compliance and value-for-money in mind?

Response: A “Dynamic Purchasing System” had been put in place as part of “INSIC”, which operated amongst 30 other local authorities. Appropriately trained staff had been put in place to complete insured work and competitive bidding processes have been employed. Technology-enabled care was being implemented to support people at the right time within the right setting.

Supplementary: Were you satisfied that the budget provided for the scheme was adequate to fulfil the promise of the service?

Response: This has been an area where funding has been provided externally from the Council. The budget at the time of this Council is around £3 million but that has been growing. I would welcome any additional funding.


Cllr Raynsford

Cllr Lowry

Had a date for the commencement of works in the establishment of a Diagnostic Centre on Colin Campbell Court been decided yet?

Response: Much of the area around Colin Campbell Court had been purchased by the Council, allowing for a firmer date to be offered. Planning Permission was expected to be granted in March, enabling works in April and the project should commence in July 2024. The expected completion date was September 2025.


Cllr Watkin

Cllr Penberthy

 What work was to be carried out at Jenny Cliff to reinstate the footpath?

Response: Fencing along the footpath and steps had already been installed. Metal channels to direct water spillage from the stairs was to start within two to three weeks. Signage to indicate the uneven surface and that the stairs were to be accessed at users own risk would be installed subsequently. The intention of the works would be to prevent further erosion to the cliffs.

Supplementary: Would this be a long-term solution to the unsafety of the area or a ‘patch-up’ job?

Response: Erosion is constant and at some point the area would be unsafe. The works had been designed to maintain access for as long as possible.


Cllr Nicholson

Cllr Tuffin

An item for the work programme of the Growth and Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny Committee regarding the limited resources on Highways maintenance and the quality of repairs had been submitted many months before. Would it be possible to be informed of where it was placed within the work programme?

Response: An answer would be provided via email as quickly as one could be obtained.


Cllr Mahony

Cllr Coker

There had been an  ...  view the full minutes text for item 94