Issue - meetings

Motions on Notice

Meeting: 01/02/2010 - City Council (Item 90)

90 No 7 09/10: Police Community Support Officers pdf icon PDF 10 KB

To consider a motion from Members in accordance with paragraph 13 of the Constitution.


In accordance with the Rules of Procedure, the following motion (No 7 09/10) was moved by Councillor Mrs Aspinall and seconded by Councillor Evans -


Plymouth City Council opposes any measure which would reduce, or threaten to reduce the number of Police Community Support Officers in Plymouth.


An amendment was subsequently moved by Councillor Bowyer and seconded by Councillor Lock as set out below -


            Add the words ‘or full time Police Officers’ so the motion reads


‘Plymouth City Council opposes any measure which would reduce, or threaten to reduce the number of Police Community Support Officers or full time Police Officers in Plymouth”


Following a vote, the amendment was declared carried.


A further amendment was subsequently moved by Councillor Evans and seconded by Councillor Wildy as set out below -


To insert the word ‘equivalent’ before ‘full time officers’.


With the consent of Council, Councillor Bowyer accepted the further amendment so that the amended motion read -


‘Plymouth City Council opposes any measure which would reduce, or threaten to reduce the number of Police Community Support Officers or full time equivalent Police Officers in Plymouth”


The motion, as amended, was put to the vote and declared carried and it was Resolved accordingly.


(Councillors Mrs Beer, Brookshaw, Mrs Pengelly, Stevens and Viney having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the above, withdrew from the meeting).