Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/12/2010 - City Council (Item 62)

Lord Mayor

(a)       To receive announcements from the Lord Mayor or the Chief Executive;


(b)       To receive announcements from the Leader, Cabinet Members or Committee Chairs.


The late Graham Horler


The Lord Mayor referred to the recent death of Graham Horler, a former councillor from 2000 to 2003.


Agreed that the Council’s condolences are sent to his wife.


The late Councillor David Viney  


The Lord Mayor reported, with great sadness, the recent death of Councillor David Viney and referred to his funeral on Tuesday 7 December 2010, at 11.30 am at St Andrew’s Minster Church.


A former Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor and councillor, David Viney died suddenly on 26 November 2010, aged 75, following a heart attack. 


David was born in Pontypridd, Wales, and later moved to Tiverton where he met his wife, Pauline.  They later moved to Plymouth where David worked for Norwich Union.  He was a family man with two sons and three grandsons.


He joined the Council in 1976 as a ward representative for the Dunstone Ward, and remained a councillor with only a two year break, between 1995 and 1997.  In July 1995 he was awarded the honour of Honorary Alderman.  He was re-elected to the Council in 1997 and was Deputy Lord Mayor for the year 1993/94 and Lord Mayor for 2001/02.   David was also a member of the National Joint Council for Manual Workers, working nationally.  During his service on the Council, he sat on most of the committees.  Notably, he was chair of the Personnel Committee, Environmental Services Committee, Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel, Growth and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Panel and Plymouth CityBus.  Following the adoption of executive arrangements, he was Portfolio Holder for Transport, Housing and Related Regeneration from 2002 - 2003.  David was currently serving on the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Panel, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority, Morley Centre Management Committee and Mount Batten Sailing and Water Sports Centre Board of Directors.


The Lord Mayor also referred to the assistance he had given to her about the role of Lord Mayor.


The Council stood in silence, for one minute, as a mark of respect.