Issue - meetings

Any Other Business

Meeting: 06/12/2010 - City Council (Item 70)


Further to minute 50, the Director for Corporate Support will submit a report following approval of the Leader and Cabinet Executive model as the preferred form of executive arrangements, for consultation.   


Cabinet Member: Councillor Mrs Pengelly

CMT Lead Officer: Director for Corporate Support



Additional documents:


The Assistant Director for Democracy and Governance presented the reports and recommendations on changes to executive arrangements. Councillor Mrs Pengelly moved approval of the recommendations set out in the supplementary report of the Assistant Director for Democracy and Governance.


Councillor Jordan seconded the proposal.


Councillor Evans moved the following amendment –


 ‘Delete recommendation 2 and insert new recommendation 2 –


That in the light of flawed consultation on the matter, the council agrees to hold a confirmatory referendum on the matter on the day of the national referendum on AV and the local elections on May 5 2011.


Add new 4 -

That an all party Democracy Commission, comprising members and interested members of the local community be created immediately to review the Council’s scheme of delegation for its efficiency, effectiveness and fairness in promoting good governance of this Authority.  The commission should present its finding to the last council before the referendum referred to in 2 above.‘ 


Councillor Dann seconded the amendment.


The Lord Mayor adjourned the Council meeting so that officers could consider the amendment.  The Council reconvened and following a debate, the amendment was put to the vote and declared lost.


The City Council then debated the substantive motion and, following a request by 10 Members for a recorded vote, there voted –


For the motion (30)


Councillors Ball, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Bragg, Brookshaw, Browne, Delbridge, Mrs Dolan, Drean, Foster, Mrs Foster, Fry, Jordan, Martin Leaves, Michael Leaves, Sam Leaves, Lock, Monahan, Mrs Nicholson, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Reynolds, Ricketts, Roberts, Stark, Mrs Stephens, Thompson, Mrs Watkins and Wigens.


Against the motion (19)


Councillors Bowie, Coker, Dann, Evans, Gordon, Haydon, Lowry, McDonald, Murphy, Mrs Nelder, Rennie, Smith, Stevens, Tuohy, Vincent, Wheeler, Wildy, Williams and Wright.


Abstentions (2)


CouncillorBerrow and Lord Mayor


Absent (5)


Councillors Fox, James, King, Dr Mahony and Dr Salter.


The Lord Mayor declared the motion carried and it was Agreed that the Council  -



adopts the Leader and Cabinet model of governance as set out in Local Government Act 2000 (as amended);



does not undertake a referendum on the adoption of those arrangements;




instructs the Monitoring Officer to draw up the proposed changes to the Constitution, the timetable for implementation and any transitional arrangements to give effect to the above decisions. Further, once those proposals have been drawn up, to make them available to the public and advertise that they are available.