Issue - meetings

Questions by the Public

Meeting: 11/04/2011 - City Council (Item 119)


To receive questions from and provide answers to the public in relation to matters which, in the opinion of the Lord Mayor, are relevant to the business of the meeting in accordance with paragraph 10 of the Constitution.


Questions, of no longer than 50 words, can be submitted to the Democratic Support Unit, Corporate Support Department, Plymouth City Council, Civic Centre, Plymouth, PL1 2AA, or email to Any questions must be received at least five clear working days before the date of the meeting.


Two questions were received from the public, in accordance with paragraph 10 of the Constitution.  Mr Fox attended the meeting to ask the questions and Councillor Wigens (Cabinet Member for Transport) responded, as follows - 


Question No


Question By

Cabinet Member


7 (10/11)

Mike Fox



Withdrawal or reduced bus services

How many bus routes and services have been withdrawn or had a reduction in frequency across the City since Conservative Councillors voted to sell Citybus to the private company Go Ahead last year?



Plymouth Citybus (PCB) became part of the Go Ahead Group on 1st December 2009 and operates approximately two thirds of the network within the city.


Overall there have been 40 services withdrawn or had a reduction in frequency since that date, of these 21 were made by PCB. (8 additional routes that were withdrawn were subsequently replaced wholly or partly with new or revised services)

The remaining 19 route reductions were made by other operators who service the rest of the network.


Plymouth Citybus have endeavoured to minimise the impact of the changes on customers by making a range of positive alterations to the network; to fill gaps and to improve daytime frequencies, particularly on Sundays and Bank Holidays, as well as improving reliability.


Changes to the Plymouth Citybus network have seen an overall increase in patronage of more than 5% when comparing April 2009 to January 2010 with April 2010 to January 2011.  If the previous year prior to the takeover is also included (April 2008 to January 2009) this also shows an increase of more than 2% over the two year period.


Citywide Patronage

It is encouraging that irrespective of the service changes stated above, total bus patronage across the city is continuing to grow, with a 0.62% (more than 100,000 journeys) increase recorded between 2009/10 (Apr-Jan) and the same period in 2010/11.



Question No


Question By

Cabinet Member


8 (10/11)

Mike Fox



Numbers 46 and 47 bus services

The removal of the 46 and 47 bus serving the Budshead area has had a devastating effect on school children, workers and the elderly.  The Council has the power to subsidise bus services.  Will Plymouth City Council subsidise a replacement bus service on 46 and 47 bus route?




It is regrettable that Citybus have had to withdraw this service, although in this instance, for 95% of those affected, there are alternative services available. The Public Transport Team, as a result of investigating current provision along this route, identified that whilst some direct links may have been lost, the majority of passengers will be able to use an alternative service/s.


The alternative service may require perhaps longer and maybe two bus journeys where previously one would have been the norm and this is again regrettable.


The Council will not be looking to support a replacement of the existing service as we consider it does not represent good value for money, particularly as the community does, to a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 119