Issue - meetings

Motions on Notice

Meeting: 11/04/2011 - City Council (Item 124)

124 Motion on Notice No 20: Withdrawal of Bus Services pdf icon PDF 26 KB

To consider motions from councillors in accordance with paragraph 13 of the Constitution.

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Councillor Evans moved the following motion on notice for approval –




The Council notes with regret the effects of the withdrawal from service of the routes 46/7 and route 45.


The route 46/7 provided the only service from and to some bus stops; it also provided essential links between locations in Kings Tamerton, St Budeaux, West Park, Whitleigh and other places.  Passengers are now faced with walking longer distances than before; in some cases, people with disabilities have to walk further than they are able to manage.


The route 45 provided essential links between Cattedown, Coxside and the city centre; there is no alternative service.


The Council resolves to request the relevant portfolio holder to work with Citybus and other operators to restore some service to stops which now have no service and to restore links which have been severed, and to consider providing some financial support for whatever service can be restored.


The motion was seconded by Councillor Wheeler.


During the debate, the issues raised, included that –



bus services were disappearing and creativity and involvement was required, with ward councillors to reintroduce the connections between communities;



Councillor Wheeler had received a petition from Kings Tamerton community association with regard to the withdrawal of the 46/47 bus service.  There was no longer a bus link to Derriford Hospital or St Budeaux square from Kings Tamerton.  The petition would be presented to the CityBus Manager by Councillor Wheeler.


CouncillorWigens (Cabinet Member for Transport) indicated that he would be willing to accept the motion.  He also announced that a solution for the Merafield to Cattedown link bus service had been found and that the Council would be supporting a three month trial service, hopefully to be extended to one year.


Councillor Ball moved, and Councillor Monahan seconded, that the vote was taken.  Following a vote, the motion was carried.


Councillor Evans summed up, regretting the end of the debate and sought clarity of when the bus service would start and at what times.

The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.  It was Agreed that the relevant portfolio holder work with Citybus and other operators to restore some service to stops which now have no service and to restore links which have been severed, and to consider providing some financial support for whatever service can be restored.


(Councillors Mrs Foster, Martin Leaves, Sam Leaves and Vincent having declared interests, withdrew from the meeting during consideration of this  item).