Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/04/2011 - City Council (Item 122)

122 Children and Young People's Plan 2011/14 pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To consider the recommendation in Cabinet minute 137 to adopt the Children and Young People’s Plan 2011/14. 


Cabinet Member: Councillor Mrs Watkins

CMT Lead Officer: Director of Services for Children and Young People


Additional documents:


The Council considered the recommendation of Cabinet, contained in minute 137, on the adoption of the Children and Young People’s Plan 2011/14, together with the written report of the Director of Services for Children and Young People which had been submitted to Cabinet. 


Councillor Mrs Watkins (Cabinet Member for Children and Young People) presented the Children and Young People’s Plan 2011/14 for adoption, subject to an amendment of an error on Guiding Principle No 8 (page 55 refers) so that the sixth bullet point reads “…….Gypsy and Traveller families” (to replace “……..gypsy and traveller families”) and highlighted that she had attended all the consultation events (except for one).  She had been particularly impressed with the event attended by children, who had been very enthusiastic and had contributed to the plan.   


Councillor Mrs Bowyer seconded the proposal and congratulated Services for Children and Young People on their consultation.  During the debate, the following points were raised -



the progress made during the previous plan, had been  recognised;


the plan had high aspirations; 


there was still work in progress and many challenges contained in the plan;


the contributions from partners had yet to be confirmed;


detailed monitoring and evaluation of the plan would be necessary. 


Agreed that the Children and Young People’s Plan 2011/14 is adopted, as amended.


At the conclusion of the item, the Lord Mayor again reminded councillors with regard to the way they refer to each other.

Meeting: 29/03/2011 - Cabinet (Item 137)

137 CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S PLAN 2011-2014 pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


The Director of Services for Children and Young People submitted a written report on the draft Children and Young People’s Plan 2011-2014, indicating -



that the draft plan focused on how agencies would work together to deliver priorities specifically in relation to children, young people and families;    



that the officer’s report outlined the key successes from the Children and Young People’s Plan 2008-2011, that had been achieved by Trust partners, as a result of working together;   




the proposed priorities agreed by the Plymouth Children and Young People’s Trust Board on 10 December 2010; 




that following approval of the plan, detailed delivery plans would be developed for each priority outlining the commissioning intentions across agencies, to be published in June/July 2011.


Councillor Mrs Watkins (Cabinet Member for Children and Young People) highlighted that there had been a number of consultation events with children, young people, parents and practitioners in the city and that their views had been incorporated into the plan.


She indicated that the biggest challenge for the future was raising aspirations and attainment.


Agreed the final Plymouth Children and Young People’s Plan 2011 -2014 and to refer it to Full Council for formal adoption, to enable development of the detailed delivery plans, outlining the commissioning intentions across all key partners.