Issue - meetings

Questions by the Public

Meeting: 20/06/2011 - City Council (Item 13)


To receive questions from and provide answers to the public in relation to matters which, in the opinion of the Lord Mayor, are relevant to the business of the meeting in accordance with paragraph 10 of the Constitution.


Questions, of no longer than 50 words, can be submitted to the Democratic Support Unit, Corporate Support Department, Plymouth City Council, Civic Centre, Plymouth, PL1 2AA, or email to Any questions must be received at least five clear working days before the date of the meeting.


Two questions were received from the public, in accordance with paragraph 10 of the Constitution and responses were provided by the Cabinet Members as set out below –


Question No


Question By

Cabinet Member


1 (11/12)

Mr F Sharpe

Councillor Jordan


Plymstock Swimming Pool

As there is no sign of any 106 funding from the proposed Sherford Development now and for the forceable future for a Plymstock Swimming Pool please can residents of the two Plymstock wards have an update regarding a site and a Swimming Pool?




The City Council’s position on this remains that a swimming pool to serve the Plymstock area will be provided by the developer as and when the development proceeds on the Sherford site.



Question No


Question By

Cabinet Member


2 (11/12)

Mr B Else

Councillor Fry


Planning consent for caravans at The Ride

PCC contravenes planning consent, allowing more than 13 caravans on The Ride. These pitches are designed for 1 caravan.

Compliance would mean no overspill of vehicles and materials, no need to provide additional site parking as proposed in ‘The Saltram Master Plan’.

Will PCC enforce planning consent?



Planning permission was granted in 2001 (01/00200) for a Gypsy site at the Ride allowing 13 caravans/mobile homes to be stationed there (additional touring caravans would not be in conflict with this). Unauthorised encampments in the vicinity are dealt with through our normal enforcement procedures, leading to eviction.


Parking next to the Ride, which may occur from time to time (not necessarily connected with the Gypsy site) would not be a planning matter in itself. Within the Saltram Countryside Park Masterplan the ‘Ride’ is detailed as a key project. This identifies a number of improvements including re-routing the footpath along the edge of the estuary, new and improved car parking opposite the waste site and a new landscaped area that includes natural play features and a small catering facility.


The proposed re-routing of the footpath / road by the Gypsy site and associated landscaping would provide extra space adjacent to the site. We included this in the illustrative design shown within the Masterplan because discussions with a number of parties indicated that extra space would alleviate some of the existing issues. This, as with all the projects, is however subject to a full technical assessment, consents and funding. 96% of respondents to the Masterplan consultation supported the ‘Ride’ project.



In the absence of the questioners, written responses will be sent to them.