Issue - meetings

Questions by Members

Meeting: 20/06/2011 - City Council (Item 22)


Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with paragraph 12 of the Constitution;


In accordance with paragraph 12 of the constitution, the following questions were asked of the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects of their areas of responsibility -







Councillor Wildy

Councillor Sam Leaves

Would you undertake to provide a report to the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel regarding how many children with disabilities have been affected by recent and future changes to the benefits system?


Councillor Sam Leaves undertook to provide the required report to the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel. Councillor Sam Leaves also undertook to review how public sector budget cuts were affecting frontline children’s services.



Councillor Coker

Councillor Wigens


A private bus company has not been issuing tickets on their routes. How does this affect the council? How are the number of route users verified and what are the implications for concessionary fares?


Councillor Wigens could think of no reason why tickets had not been issued. Councillor Wigens undertook to provide a written response to Councillor Coker.



Councillor John Smith

Councillor Wigens

The number 57 service provided by Target Travel is about to be removed, what provision is there with regard to elderly people and the suitability of buses and bus routes?


Councillor Wigens would not review the entire systems but would investigate the issues around the number 57 service and provide Councillor John Smith with a written reply.



Councillor Stevens

Councillor Lock

Some of the technical drawings on the planning application for the incinerator at north yard are in German. Will he undertake that the written information is comprehensible and consultation dates are available on the website?


Councillor Lock undertook to ensure that planning documents were available in English.



Councillor Evans

Councillor Mrs. Pengelly

Would the Leader not agree with me that now is the time to offer the Plymouth Argyle FC administrator hardship rate relief?


Councillor Mrs. Pengelly confirmed that rate relief had been provided for the period 4 March 2011 – 6 August 2011 and will remain in discussion with the club’s administrator.



Councillor Davey

Councillor Sam Leaves

What are you doing about the fabric of the Ford Primary School building?


Councillor Sam Leaves has made it a top priority to visit the school and meet the headmaster to review the situation. An invitation would also be extended to ward councillors.



Councillor Wheeler

Councillor Lock

Will the correction of planning documents relating to the incinerator take place after the consultation period has closed?


Councillor Lock had spoken to the case officer and agreed a extension to the consultation period.



Councillor Evans

Councillor Wigens

There are many instances of large street signage in a perilous state, there is currently an example of this in union street where a sign is bound together with nylon rope. What has he done to satisfy himself they are not a hazard? How long has the temporary fix been in place? How long should have it taken to make the sign  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22