Issue - meetings

Joint Performance and Finance Report

Meeting: 07/06/2011 - Cabinet (Item 8)

Joint Performance and Finance Report


Agreed that –


2.                  the Section 151 Officer recommended adjustments to reserves and provisions be approved as follows:


·              reallocation of grants provision                                 (£0.327m)

·              reallocation HRA Working Balance                          (£1.592m)

·              transfer to Waste Reserve                                         £0.900m

·              transfer to Redundancy Reserve                                £1.000m)

·              transfer to Pensions Reserve                                      £0.850m


3.                  Cabinet approve the following budget carry forwards:


·                    Schools Demolition Costs                                          £0.300m

·                    Procurement Contingency                                         £0.400m

·                    Americas Cup                                                             £0.100m


4.                  the financing requirement of £69.718m be noted and Cabinet approve the borrowing requirement of £16.823m for 2010/11;