Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/08/2011 - Cabinet (Item 44)


CMT Lead Officer: Director for Community Services


Cabinet will consider the recommendations from the Mount Edgcumbe Joint Committee of the 22 July 2011 which outlined options for the future of a number of properties within Mount Edgcumbe Country Park.   


The Director for Community Services submitted a written report on Mount Edgcumbe property options, as recommended by the Mount Edgcumbe Joint Committee of 22 July 2011 (minute 14 refers).  The recommendations also required the approval of Cornwall Council. 


Agreed that –



approval is given to the release of Picklecombe Cottage, subject to an acceptable price being received, this to be agreed by the joint chairs in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members and the Directors of Finance of the constituent authorities;



the additional land leading to the waterfront, in front of the property, is included to maximise receipts;




any capital receipt from Picklecombe Cottage is ring-fenced for investment into the park, to generate further revenue savings; this being a special case and not to be seen as setting a precedent;




the capital is used to maximise the revenue savings and income generation opportunities in the park, the exact projects to be decided on the basis of individual business plans, and the overall business plan for the park;



the full business cases is brought to the joint committee and Cabinet for consideration as soon as possible to ensure the savings required in the 2011/12 financial year can be achieved.


Meeting: 22/07/2011 - Mount Edgcumbe Joint Committee (Item 14)


The Joint Committee will receive a report on Mount Edgcumbe Property Options.


The Director for Community Services, Corporate Support and Assistant Head of Service Waste and Environment submitted a report on Mount Edgcumbe property options.


The Joint Committee agreed to recommend to the Cabinets of each constituent authority that –



Picklecombe Cottage is released, subject to an acceptable price being received; this is to be agreed by the Joint Chairs, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members and the Directors of Finance from each constituent authority;



the additional land leading to the waterfront, in front of the property, is included to maxmise receipts;




any capital receipts from Picklecombe Cottage are ring-fenced for investment in to the Park, to generate further revenue savings;




capital is used to maximise the revenue savings and income generation opportunities in the Park, the exact projects to be decided on the basis of individual business plans and the overall business plan for the park;



the full business cases are brought to the Joint Committee for consideration, as soon as possible, to ensure the savings required in the 2011/12 financial year can be achieved.