Issue - meetings

Waste and Recycling Improvements

Meeting: 13/09/2011 - Cabinet (Item 53)


CMT Lead Officer: Assistant Chief Executive


A written report will be submitted on proposals to improve the recycling and waste collection performance for the Council.  See also agenda item 15 below.


The Assistant Chief Executive submitted a written report on proposals to improve the recycling and waste collection performance for the Council, including proposals - 



to collect glass within the existing green bins for all customers in the city, in order to ensure that the Council met its obligations to Defra for the PFI credits supporting the Energy from Waste Plant;  



for the introduction of a pilot glass recycling scheme for one of the existing collection rounds prior to rolling it out across the city;  




for changes to the garden waste collection service to help to raise the recycling rates further and ensure consistent coverage across the city;




for changes to the way vehicles supporting the service were paid for, to reduce overall costs and maintain service reliability;



to review the depots used by the Council across the City once the Energy from Waste planning decision was made;



to establish a programme to deliver the changes, overseen by an Executive Group (with Member representation).


Cabinet Members were also advised that further reports would be submitted on the expenditure and other resource implications associated with the strategic Materials Recycling Facility replacement project, vehicles and depots.


Councillor Michael Leaves (Cabinet Member for Community Services (Street Scene, Waste and Sustainability)) congratulated the officers on the progress achieved to date and commended the proposals to Cabinet.  


The Chair also drew the attention of Cabinet Members to the confidential report referred to in minute 59 below.


Agreed that –



the plans to deliver a kerb side glass recycling service across the city by April 2014 are endorsed, subject to a further report and Council approval of the change to the capital programme;



it is noted that officers will conduct a soft market testing for the options around a replacement Materials Recycling Facility; 




the plans to deliver a pilot operation for kerb side glass collection by September 2012, are approved;




approval is given to the plans to extend garden waste collection on a trial basis for November 2011 and to extend the service coverage for the remaining 19,500 properties in the city, by April 2012, that have gardens;



approval is given to the Environmental Services Programme Governance Terms of Reference (Appendix 3) and delegation of authority as set out at Appendix 3 paragraph 4.3 to the officer who is the Chair of the Executive Group to allow the programme to progress at the required pace, in order to meet the timetable outlined in the report;



it is noted that the Executive Group for the programme will commission and deliver a communication plan for customers and media to support the implementation of these changes.