Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/04/2013 - City Council (Item 101)

101 Development Plan - Adoption of Development Guidelines Supplementary Planning Document First Review pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Cabinet Member: Councillor Vincent.


The City Council will be asked to consider the Cabinet recommendations and the report of the Director for Place submitted to Cabinet.   Minute 165a (of the Cabinet meeting held on 9 April 2013) refers.


The draft Development Plan has been updated since Cabinet to reflect some non material changes.


Additional documents:


Councillor Vincent (Cabinet Member for Environment) presented the Cabinet recommendations for approval and Councillor Mrs Nelder seconded the proposals (Cabinet minute 165a referred). 


Councillor Ball moved and Councillor Nicholson seconded an amendment as follows which in their opinion, would provide greater powers for the Planning Committee in dealing with houses in multiple occupation (HMO) –


‘Recommendation (1) be formally adopted subject to the following amendments –




to add the following additional words in paragraph 2.5.20 ‘All new applications will be accompanied with a suitable Management Plan.’




to add the following additional words in paragraph 2.7 ‘Has a suitable Management Plan submitted.’




in line five of paragraph 2.5.15 delete the first word ‘resisted’ and replace with the word ‘refused’




add at the end of paragraph 2.5.15 ‘Any change of use from family home to a HMO in streets or areas that have no HMOs will be resisted’.’


In response to a point of order by Councillor Evans (Council Leader), Councillor Nicholson indicated that he was not a landlord.  Where councillors were landlords of property, the Assistant Director for Democracy and Governance advised councillors should have considered the agenda and declared interests as appropriate. 


The Assistant Director for Democracy and Governance reported that if the council changed the Cabinet recommendations, that decision would be an in principle decision and that the Leader would have an opportunity to object to it.


Following a request for an adjournment by Councillor Evans to take advice from planning officers, the Lord Mayor adjourned the council meeting.


Following the adjournment and in the absence of the advice from planning officers, it was agreed to defer the item to after the refreshment break.      


(See also minute 106 below).

Meeting: 09/04/2013 - Cabinet (Item 165)


The Director for Place will submit a report on the Local Development Framework: Adoption of Development Guidelines Supplementary Planning Document: First Review Relating to Houses in Multiple Occupation.


Background papers to this report can be accessed at the Council’s website Council and Democracy/ Councillors and Committees/Library/Cabinet background papers or using the following hyperlink –


Additional documents:


In accordance with minute 33 (10/11) which gave approval to a non-immediate Article 4 Direction to control changes of use to Class C4 (Houses in Multiple Occupation), the Director for Place submitted a written report on a proposal for the City Council to adopt the Development Guidelines Supplementary Planning Document: First Review. 


The First Review -



would be part of the Local Development Framework documents within the Development Plan and would provide guidance to support policies set out in the Core Strategy;



primarily introduced additional guidance covering applications received for houses in multiple occupation and included the guide of a ‘threshold’ approach to assessing whether a change of use would be harmful to an area’s character having regard to the existing number of converted and non-family dwellings in the vicinity;




was approved for consultation by the Cabinet Member for Environment and a consultation had been carried out for six weeks, and nine responses had been received.  Some minor amendments and clarification had been made to the document as a result.


Councillor Evans presented the report.


Cabinet Members were advised that –



the proposals had received a broad level of support;



all Local Development Framework documents would be fed into the Plymouth Plan, when there would be an opportunity to rationalise and streamline the policies, but that there would still be a role for more detailed guidance relating to smaller scale developments;




the following issues they had raised, would need to be revisited as part of the development of the Plymouth Plan –



the ongoing maintenance costs of play areas; 



surface water drainages;



secure cycle stores and minimum cycle parking standards



parking standards for new developments


The Assistant Director for Planning Services undertook to ensure that the emergency services were consulted on the Plymouth Plan and that as much learning as possible would be captured from experiences of current policies to inform the plan.  


Alternative options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


A further recommendation was moved, seconded and agreed as set out below to ensure a more coordinated approach to the delivery of public realm improvements and maintenance across all relevant departments and stakeholders and to incorporate this new approach in the relevant planning policy guidance linked to the Plymouth Plan.    


Agreed that the Assistant Director for Planning Service coordinates a cross departmental working group, linked to the Plymouth Plan, to prepare guidance on public realm. 


(See also minute 165a below)