Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/04/2013 - City Council (Item 102)

102 Adoption of Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Cabinet Member: Councillor Vincent.


The City Council will be asked to consider the Cabinet recommendation and the report of the Director for Place submitted to Cabinet.   Minute 166a (of the Cabinet meeting held on 9 April 2013) refers.


Additional documents:


Councillor Vincent (Cabinet Member for Environment) presented the Cabinet recommendations for approval and Councillor Evans (Council Leader) seconded the proposals (Cabinet minute 166a referred).  


Agreed that –



the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule is adopted as set out in Appendix 1 to the written report, and to set the date for the Charging Schedule to take effect as 1 June 2013;



the Community Infrastructure Levy Instalments Policy is adopted as set out in Appendix 2 to the written report.   


At the conclusion of the above item, the Deputy Lord Mayor joined the council meeting in his capacity as vice-chair.


Meeting: 09/04/2013 - Cabinet (Item 166)


The Director for Place will submit a report on the Adoption of Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule.


The Director for Place submitted a written report on a proposal for the City Council to adopt the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule.


The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was a new levy that local authorities could charge on developments in their area and the money raised could be used to support new development by funding infrastructure that the city, local communities and neighbourhoods needed.   It was introduced by the government as a means of replacing, over time, the use of Section 106 Agreements for securing financial contributions from developers.


A statutory process governed the introduction of CIL, requiring the publication of a charging schedule for consultation and a public examination.  No changes had been made following the public examination. 


The council had also consulted on a draft CIL Instalments Policy which needed to be published with the charging schedule and the council’s current Market Recovery Scheme, which provided for the application of discounts to current tariff charges would need to be rescinded when the charging schedule became operational.  


Councillor Evans presented the report.


The Assistant Director for Planning Services indicated that the proposed charging schedule was one of the lowest across the UK and included a zone which included City Centre, and parts of Millbay and Sutton Harbour where zero rates applied for residential and student accommodation applied.


Alternative options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Subject to adoption of the CIL Charging Schedule and Instalments Policy by the City Council,

Agreed to –




delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Planning Services to make available discretionary relief in exceptional circumstances should the need to offer such discretionary relief become apparent;



formally rescind the council’s Market Recovery Scheme from 1 June 2013;


instruct officers to keep under review the effectiveness and impacts of the charging schedule.