Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/08/2013 - Cabinet (Item 26)

26 Increasing choice and control in day opportunities pdf icon PDF 417 KB

With reference to the Cabinet meeting on 15 January 2013 which asked officers to undertake inclusive and meaningful consultation with service users, families and carers on proposals relating to day care opportunities, the Director for People will submit a written report on the outcome of the consultation process and making a series of recommendations designed to “Increase Choice and Control in Day Opportunities”.


A background paper to this report can be accessed at the Council’s website Council and Democracy/ Councillors and Committees/Library/Cabinet background papers or using the following hyperlink –





Additional documents:


Further to the Cabinet meeting on 15 January 2013 (minute 127 (2012/13) referred) which asked officers to undertake inclusive and meaningful consultation with service users, families and carers on proposals relating to day care opportunities, Carole Burgoyne (Director for People) submitted a written report on the outcome of the consultation process and making a series of recommendations designed to “Increase Choice and Control in Day Opportunities”.


Councillor McDonald (Cabinet Member for Public Health and Adult Social Care) presented the proposals detailed in the written report and drew Cabinet Member’s attention to the background paper on the equality impact assessment indicating that no person would suffer a shortfall of income if the impact of the proposals caused additional travelling.


Debbie Butcher (Head of Safeguarding, Quality and Individual Placements) also reported on the proposals indicating that there was a need to update current facilities and that the council would continue to meet eligible need.


The Chair emphasised that no services were being withdrawn and that transport arrangements would continue.


Alternative options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Agreed that –



the council will ensure that eligible needs continue to be met and clients that are assessed as needing centre based day care will continue to receive this form of provision in improved facilities; 


in the light of the changing demand profile detailed in the report, the numbers of day centres provided by Plymouth City Council are  reduced from three to two; 


the building St George’s would close allowing for the community redevelopment plan on the site to proceed;



day centre provision will be operated from the Woodfield/Reatch site with the services being remodelled to become centre based community hubs for those with multiple and complex needs which would bring economies of scale whilst still providing sufficient capacity to meet demand;


proposals will be brought forward to seek additional resources to upgrade and modernise provision at the Woodfield/Reatch site;


these changes will take place over the next 12 months.