Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/09/2013 - City Council (Item 45)

45 Finance: New Capital Schemes pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Cabinet Member: Councillor Lowry


The City Council will asked to approve two new capital schemes relating to the Marjon link road and vehicle and plant replacement Phase 4 which were identified in the capital and revenue monitoring report submitted to Cabinet.


The minute of Cabinet held on 6 August 2013 and the Cabinet report can be viewed using the following link:



Additional documents:


Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) presented the Cabinet recommendation on a proposal to add two new schemes to the capital programme. (Cabinet minute 24 referred).


Councillor Coker (Cabinet Member for Transport) seconded the proposals.


Councillor Vincent (Cabinet Member for Environment) also reported on phase IV of the vehicle and plant replacement programme. 


Agreed that two new schemes are added to the capital programme totalling £3.3m as follows –



 Marjon link road to Derriford Hospital




Vehicle and plant replacement phase IV




Meeting: 06/08/2013 - Cabinet (Item 23)


The Director for Corporate Services will submit the first quarterly monitoring report for 2013/14 which outlined the finance monitoring position of the council as at the end of June 2013.


Information will also be presented on staffing resources and sickness absence.

Additional documents:


The Corporate Management Team submitted a report on the finance monitoring position of the council as at 30 June 2013 to show how the council was delivering against its financial measures using its capital and revenue resources, to approve budget variations and virements and to seek approval of new schemes in the capital programme.


The report also detailed the number of fulltime equivalent employees and the average number of days sick per full time employee. 


Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) introduced the proposals and indicated that there was an error on recommendation (3) in the report (minute 24 below refers) which should read ‘…schemes added to the capital programme totalling £3.3m ….’.


Councillor Peter Smith (Deputy Leader) advised Cabinet Members that the policies to reduce sickness were having an impact with a reduction to an average of 8.5 sick days per employee but that more work was required to further reduce sickness absence.  


Alternative options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Cabinet noted -



the revenue position of an overspend of £1.892m and the actions being taken;


the increase in the medium term capital programme forecast to £159.903m which included expected grants of £19.3m following the Comprehensive Spending Review announced on 26 June 2013 and £6m in respect of highways infrastructure maintenance;  



the data provided by the Assistant Director for Human Resources and Organisational Development.


Agreed the revenue budget virements as detailed in the written report. 


(See also minute 24 below)