Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/01/2014 - City Council (Item 84)

84 Revised Council Tax Support Scheme pdf icon PDF 56 KB

Cabinet Member: Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance)


The City Council will be asked to agree that the 2013/14 Council Tax Support scheme continues for the 2014/15 financial year and that all elements of the scheme remain the same except the requirement for minimum contribution for all working age residents reducing from 25% to 20%.


The minute of Cabinet held on 14 January 2014 will be submitted together with the report considered at Cabinet.  Cabinet also considered a scrutiny report on the Council Tax (attachment of earnings) which is available to view at



Additional documents:


Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) presented the Cabinet recommendation on the revised Council Tax Support Scheme (Cabinet minute 91 referred).


The proposal was seconded by Councillor Penberthy (Cabinet Member for Co-operatives and Community Development).


The City Council was advised that there was a typographical error in the Cabinet recommendation to Council and that the reduction should be from 25 per cent to 20 per cent, not from 20 to 25 per cent.


Councillor Lowry, in summing up, undertook to share the figures relating to the calculation of the cost of the liability orders with Councillor Nicholson.  He also shared Councillor Penberthy’s sadness that attachment of earnings could not be made on a voluntary basis and that the local authority had to apply for them to be made through the courts, with the associated costs.  He welcomed any efforts made to lobby Members of Parliament to change this process.


Following a vote, it was Agreed to approve that the 2013/14 Council Tax Support Scheme continues for the 2014/15 financial year and that all elements of the scheme remain the same except the requirement for minimum contribution for all working age residents reducing from 25 per cent to 20 per cent.


(Councillors Darcy and Nicholson declared private interests in the above item).

Meeting: 14/01/2014 - Cabinet (Item 91)


Councillor James (Chair of the Co-operative Scrutiny Board) has been invited to attend Cabinet to present the recommendations in the scrutiny report on the Council Tax (attachment of earnings) from the Co-operative Scrutiny Board.


The Assistant Director for Finance will submit a report reviewing the impact of the localised Council Tax Support Scheme for Plymouth and to make relevant recommendations for changes in 2014/15 following consideration of the scrutiny report.


Additional documents:


Cabinet received the scrutiny report on the Council Tax (attachment of earnings)    

and Malcolm Coe (Assistant Director for Finance) submitted a report reviewing the impact of the localised Council Tax Support Scheme for Plymouth and making recommendations for changes in 2014/15 following consideration of the scrutiny report.


Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) introduced the proposals and advised that a number of measures had been taken to assist those in financial difficulty including personal payment plans.  


The Chair advised Cabinet Members that Councillor James (Chair of the Cooperative Scrutiny Board), had been invited to attend the meeting today to present the recommendations in the scrutiny report but was unable to attend today.


Councillor Penberthy (Cabinet Member for Co-operatives and Communities) advised that the Council was unable to take payments direct from earnings without a Court order and indicated that the government should review this.  He also reported that two schemes had already been introduced for saving with Credit Unions.      


Alternative options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Agreed that - 



the recommendations from the Co-operative Scrutiny Board are noted and adopted as follows –




the Co-operative Scrutiny Board supported the proposalsthat Plymouth City Council should reduce the minimum contribution that working age people should pay towards their Council Tax bill from the current 25 per cent to 20 per cent; and



theCo-operative Scrutiny Board supported the proposalsthat Plymouth City Council should reduce the fee charged when the Council makes an application for a Council Tax Attachment of Earnings Order from £83 to £60.



the Assistant Director for Finance to consider the benefits of introducing a ‘tapered’ repayment schedule for those in Council Tax arrears, where initial repayments are lower and gradually increase, and report back to the Board with his findings and recommendations within three months;



the Assistant Director for Finance to take steps to ensure that the largest possible number of employers in the city provide the facility for the deduction and payment at source of Council Tax from employees’ remuneration;



the Assistant Director for Homes and Communities to engage with the city’s landlords to ensure that prospective tenants are aware of Council Tax liabilities as part of the lettings process;




the Assistant Director for Homes and Communities to engage with the Assistant Director for Finance to identify what financial incentives could be offered from the Council Tax exceptional hardship fund to those at risk from Council Tax arrears to begin saving with a Credit Union;



the Assistant Director for Finance to review the language used in correspondence with those in Council Tax arrears and gain an independent verification of its accessibility;



the Assistant Director for Finance to engage with the Head of Communications to ensure access to advice and support for those struggling to pay Council Tax through the Council’s digital channels;



the Assistant Director for Finance to consider the introduction of a free phone number for those needing advice about Council Tax arrears;



the cost  ...  view the full minutes text for item 91