Issue - meetings

LEP EU Investment Strategy 2014-2020

Meeting: 10/12/2013 - Cabinet (Item 73)


The Director for Place will submit a report on the EU Structural and Investment Fund Strategy and will detail what funding will be potentially available, how and why the Local Enterprise Partnership is developing this strategy, how the City Council are assisting in developing it and what the implications of the Local Enterprise Partnership’s strategy are for the City Council and the city as a whole.


Additional documents:


Anthony Payne (Director for Place) submitted a report on the EU Structural and Investment Fund Strategy (SIF) and detailed -



the potential funding available;



how and why the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) was developing this strategy;




the assistance being given by the City Council;


the implications of the Local Enterprise Partnership’s strategy on the City Council and the city as a whole;


the Council’s overall response to the SIF development which stressed the need to enhance productivity and improve connectivity as key priorities of the city and the sub-region;


that applicants for EU funds within Plymouth (transition status area) would need to provide match funding of circa 40 per cent in order to access the funding.


Councillor Evans (Council Leader) introduced the item.


David Draffan (Assistant Director for Economic Development) indicated that the EU programme would support the city’s ambitious programme for growth and jobs.


Chris Grace (Head of Economy) advised that the date for completion of the strategy was 31 January 2014 and that the SIF would sit alongside the Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) which was currently being developed.  The SEP was the overarching document that would determine the LEP’s aims and would be used to bid for the competitive part of the Local Growth Fund. 


Julia Blaschke (EU and Funding Officer) also attended the meeting for this item.


Alternative options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.





the EU Structural and Investment Fund Strategy draft in its current form;


that the Leader will take the final decision on approving the final version of the Local Enterprise Partnership’s EU Structural and Investment Fund Strategy ahead of its submission to Government.