Issue - meetings

Questions by Members

Meeting: 27/01/2014 - City Council (Item 92)


Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.

Additional documents:


Please note that questions, answers, supplementary questions and supplementary answers have been summarised.







Councillor Mrs Beer

Councillor Vincent / Councillor Stevens

Why was there no consultation with Plympton Erle ward councillors on the proposed Plymouth Gypsy traveller site?

A reassurance was sought that in future local councillors were consulted on issues on the boundary of their wards.

Councillor Vincent responded that he had had no discussions or consultations on the site.


Councillor Stevens also responded that there was a legal requirement on the part of South Hams to formally consult with the Council and that did not take place. Informal contact was made through a Council officer who was not authorised to speak on behalf of the authority.  Gary Streeter MP had put in a formal objection to the application but had not advised councillors or residents.


Ward councillors would be advised if there was a formal consultation from an adjoining local authority.



Councillor Bowyer

Councillor Coker

What was the latest position on the package of proposals announced in relation to car parking charges? When would a decision be made? 

Councillor Coker responded that consultation had finished before Christmas and officers were finalising a report which would be considered by Cabinet Members shortly.



Councillor Mrs Bowyer

Councillor Coker

187 fines had been issued to motorists following a police diversion into a bus lane. Did the police contribute towards the cost of cancelling the tickets? What were the costs?

Councillor Coker undertook to provide a written response. He also responded that the police had to make a decision quickly and that he had subsequently met with them to put protocols in place to ensure that the Council were notified quickly so that the cameras could be turned off.



Councillor Morris

Councillor Vincent

What would be the effect of the government proposal on areas such as Dartmoor, if disused farm buildings could be replaced with up to three dwellings?How would this affect Plymouth’s own local nature reserves?

Councillor Vincent responded that the proposals were part of the initiative to reduce red tape in the planning system and make it easier to build houses. In reality, it could lead to housing being developed randomly across the national parks where there were derelict barns and farms. In total there were 6,000 agricultural buildings in Dartmoor and Exmoor that could be affected by this proposal and many more in the region’s Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.  There would then also need to be roads and power lines to connect them with the associated impact on wildlife and the natural environment.


The nature reserves were inner city green spaces managed by the Council.



Councillor Ball 

Councillor Coker

Were roads likely to be less safe in the dark? Following the removal of street lighting in an unadopted road in Compton, could an assurance be given that every effort would be made to install street lighting?  

Councillor Coker responded that street lighting played an important role in the safety  ...  view the full minutes text for item 92