Issue - meetings

Capital Approvals

Meeting: 27/01/2014 - City Council (Item 83)

83 Capital Programme Approvals pdf icon PDF 37 KB

Cabinet Member: Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance)


The Assistant Director for Finance will submit a report on Cabinet recommendations for the following schemes to be included in the capital programme –

·         Land at Seaton Neighbourhood;

·         Primary Basic Need 2014 – 17 (Knowle and St Peter’s C of E Primary Schools).


Additional documents:


Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) presented the report of Malcolm Coe (Assistant Director for Finance) on capital programme approvals in relation to Seaton Neighbourhood and Primary Basic Need (Cabinet minutes 62 and 64 referred).


Councillor Williams seconded the proposals and also reported further to the Cabinet report, that Widewell Primary School had turned down the basic need funding earmarked for the school and that discussions were taking place to identify an alternative school expansion.


Following a vote, Agreed –



the £2.170m acquisition of land at Seaton Neighbourhood for the NHS land detailed in the Cabinet report and the associateduseof a loan fromthe Council’s InvestmentFund;



a virement of £2.775m to release funds from the Basic Need and School Condition capital resources to progress the following schemes –




£2.475m to build a new two form entry school with early years’ provision to replace the current provision on the Knowle Primary School site from September 2015; 



£300,000 to build a new classroom at St Peter’s CE Primary School to enable the school to have sufficient space to allocate to their Planned Admission Number (PAN) and to increase their PAN from 25 to 30 from September 2014.


(At the conclusion of the item, the Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Churchill) resumed his position as Vice Chair of the meeting).