Issue - meetings


Meeting: 24/02/2014 - City Council (Item 100)

100 Updated Report on Delivering the Co-operative Vision within a Three Year Sustainable Balanced Budget and Proposed Council Tax Levels 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 61 KB

The City Council will be asked to –



consider the updated report of the Chief Executive on delivering the co-operative vision within a three year sustainable balanced  budget update and the proposed Council Tax levels 2014/15; 


adopt the Co-operative Council Finance Plan 2014-17 (Appendix 1 refers);


approve the proposed net revenue budget requirement for 2014/15;


approve the capital budget 2013/17;


approve delegation arrangements for approval of capital funding and schemes;


approve the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual  Investment Strategy 2014/15;


approve the Council Tax for 2014/15.


The following Cabinet minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2014 will also be submitted for consideration –


Appendix 2

Minute 106

Delivering the co-operative vision within a three year sustainable balanced budget.   

Appendix 3

For information: Cabinet’s response to the scrutiny recommendations and the scrutiny report.

Appendix 4

Minute 107

Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy 2014/15.


Additional documents:


The Chief Executive submitted a written report updating members following the Cabinet meeting on 11 February 2014, on Delivering the Co-operative Vision within a Three Year Sustainable Balanced Budget and Proposed Council Tax Levels 2014/15.  


The City Council also considered -



the draft Co-operative Council Finance Plan 2014 – 2017;


Cabinet minute 106 (of 11 February 2014) and the Cabinet report on delivering the co-operative vision within a three year sustainable balanced budget;


Cabinet minute 102 (of 11 February 2014) on the Scrutiny Report following scrutiny of the delivery the co-operative vision within a three year sustainable balanced budget including Cabinet’s response to the recommendations and the Scrutiny Report;


Cabinet minute 107 (of 11 February 2014) on the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy.


Councillor Evans (Council Leader) –



expressed concern that the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority were meeting to agree their precept on the same day as the City Council to set the Council Tax and asked the Chief Executive to write to the authority to try and prevent similar circumstances in future years; 


asked that recorded votes were taken on any amendments to and the final decision on the budget and Council Tax rates;      



moved the recommendations in the written report of the Chief Executive to the City Council, including the 2014/15 Council Tax rates.


In presenting the proposals, Councillor Evans referred to –



the scale of the cuts made by the Coalition Government which had resulted in a real terms funding reduction of nine point five per cent (9.5%) amounting to £12m;


the Council’s reduction in costs of over £30m in the last three years and the need to reduce costs by a further £33m over the next three years;


the projected shortfall of £64.5m over three years;


the proposal to set an indicative three year budget for the first time, from 2014/15 to 2017;


the three year transformation programme to provide a fundamental rethink about how services were provided, joining services up with partners and running services in new ways;


the initiatives to deliver growth including -



investing in jobs with the Plan for Jobs; 



supporting new homes with the Plan for Homes, the Get Plymouth Building programme and the affordable housing loan facility;



the Plymouth and South West Peninsula City Deal;



the Council’s commitment to roads with £2m extra each year for ongoing road resurfacing;


the Council’s priority to be a caring city, to promote a fairer, more equal city by investing in communities, putting citizens at the heart of decision making, promoting independence and reducing health and social inequality;   


the adult social services gross budget of £90m with £77m dedicated to care packages;


the budget of £26m for children’s social care services next year with the majority being spent on placements in foster care and residential and secure placements.  He also thanked all the Council’s foster carers for the incredible work that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 100