Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/06/2014 - City Council (Item 15)


(a)        To receive announcements from the Lord Mayor, Chief Executive, Assistant Director for Finance or Head of Legal Services;


(b)        To receive announcements from the Leader, Cabinet Members or Committee Chairs.

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor -



Former Lord Mayor, Alderman and Councillor Claude Miller MBE

referred to the recent death of former Lord Mayor, Alderman and councillor Bernard Claude Miller MBE, known as Claude, on 2 May 2014 at the age of 99 and the City Council stood in silence for one minute as a mark of respect;   


Lord Mayor’s Day


referred to the success of Lord Mayor’s Day, which he took part in on 14 June 2014, and brought together the entire community of Plymouth, showcasing how well the public and private sector work together;



Armed Forces Day


reported that on 28 June 2014, he had the honour to be a part of the RAF and Allied Air Force 25th Anniversary Memorial Service and he thanked the event’s sponsors, the Royal Navy, the Army, the Air Force and our military personnel, veterans and their families;



Apprentice Award


announced that Joshua Coomber, Apprentice Gardener from Street Services had won the Top Horticultural Apprentice Award from Duchy College for Devon and Cornwall. He had also gained his NVQ Level 2 in Horticulture. He also paid tribute to the team across the Council who had supported the apprentices.  He congratulated Joshua, Brian Deacon and Barry Wilmott from The Hoe, Lee Jones from Devonport Park and Emily Bullimore and Ken Holder.  


The Leader -


Association for Town and City Management National Partnership awards


referred to the success of the Your Space project which was transforming the City Centre and had been recognised at the Association for Town and City Management National Partnership awards where the project gained two awards for diversifying business mix and national partnership of the year.


He congratulated all concerned; 



Land Registry


advised the Council of the Government announcement that the privatisation of Land Registry had been dropped but that the plan for the Land Registry to undertake some part of the Land Charges function, currently undertaken by Local Authorities, were proceeding despite the results of a pilot that had failed;



History Centre


referred to the success of the Heritage Lottery bid for a new History Centre which would be delivered by Spring 2019.  He paid tribute to David Draffan and his team for their work;



Kelechi Nnoaham, Director of Public Health


welcomed Kelechi Nnoaham, the new Director of Public Health to this his first meeting of the City Council. 


Councillor McDonald referred to -


Prince Rock Primary School which was one of only six schools in the whole of the country to have been shortlisted for the ‘Primary School of the Year’ title.  She congratulated Mr Spry (Head Teacher) and his team on their achievement;


Morice Town Primary School which had received the first pupil premium award last week. She congratulated David Maddison (Head Teacher) and his team on their achievement.