Issue - meetings


Meeting: 15/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 28)


Carole Burgoyne (Strategic Director for People) will submit a report on the Children and Young People’s Services project, which forms part of the Integrated Health and Well Being transformation programme, together with the outline business case which sets out how Plymouth City Council, in conjunction with partners, is taking forward Co-operative Children and Young People’s Services in line with the priorities set out in the Plymouth Children and Young People’s Plan 2011 – 2014, which is currently being refined by the Children’s Partnership.


A background paper to this report can be accessed at the Council’s website Council and Democracy/Councillors and Committees/Library/Cabinet background papers or using the following hyperlink –


Additional documents:


Carole Burgoyne (Strategic Director for People) submitted a report on the Children and Young People’s Services project, which formed part of the Integrated Health and Well Being transformation programme, together with the outline business case which set out how Plymouth City Council, in conjunction with partners, was taking forward Co-operative Children and Young People’s Services in line with the priorities set out in the Plymouth Children and Young People’s Plan 2011 – 2014, which was currently being refined by the Children’s Partnership.


The outcomes expected from the programme were –



the prioritisation of delivering an enhanced prevention and early intervention capability for children, young people and families;


the improvement of educational outcomes for all and raising aspiration through an enhanced and integrated way of delivering school to school support and school improvement;


the extension of school organisation and support services through creation of cooperative trading companies where assets can be distributed to meet need;


the development of community learning and support for neighbourhoods through the development of a cooperative joint venture between Plymouth Adult and Community learning (PACLs) and voluntary sector organisations;


the creation of a Local Authority Trading Co-operative Company: the healthy, local, school food co-operative;


Councillor McDonald (Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Public Health) introduced the proposals.


Judith Harwood (Assistant Director for Education, Learning and Families, Craig McArdle (Head of Co-operative Commissioning), Craig Williams, (Interim Programme Manager for Integrated Health and Wellbeing) and Nicky Jones (Commissioning Lead, West Locality NEW Devon CCG) also attended the meeting.


Alternative options considered and the reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Agreed that -



approval is given to the Outline Business Case that sets out how Plymouth City Council, in conjunction with partners, is to take forward Co-operative Children and Young People’s Services in line with the priorities set out in the Plymouth Children and Young People’s Plan 2011 – 2014;


further work is undertaken to develop a detailed business case which would develop five clusters which would form the proposed new co-operative delivery model -



education catering and facilities services;



community and extended learning;



targeted services (SEN);



aspiration and learning;



knowledge and intelligence.


Councillor Evans (Council Leader) took the opportunity to thank officers for their hard work and commitment in progressing the Integrated Commissioning Business Case, the Integrated Community Health and Social Care Delivery and the Co-operative Children and Young People’s Services.