Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/12/2014 - Cabinet (Item 96)


Chris Singer (Police) will submit a report building on the framework for working with our citizens and communities, adopted by Cabinet in July 2014, and setting out the case for, and scope of, a ‘Collaborative Enforcement’ Pilot between Devon and Cornwall Police and Plymouth City Council to enable communities to protect their local amenity and environment.


A background paper (the officer resourceavailable to undertake tasks) can be accessed at the Council’s website Council and Democracy/Councillors and Committees/Library/Cabinet background papers or using the following hyperlink –

Additional documents:


Superintendent Chris Singer (Devon and Cornwall Police) submitted a report building on the framework for working with our citizens and communities, adopted by Cabinet in July 2014, and setting out the case for, and scope of, a Collaborative Enforcement Pilot between Devon and Cornwall Police and Plymouth City Council to enable communities to protect their local amenity and environment.


The report indicated that in order to establish a good evidence base and test new ways of working, it was proposed that the pilot was undertaken through two projects –



Project 1: Community Based Project to be based in St Peter’s and the Waterfront area and would look to expand to other areas.  The initial pilot area was located in within a single Police sector;


Project 2: Problem based pilot: New Anti-Social Behaviour Powers with shared enforcement responsibility between the Council, Police and Registered Landlords; 


the pilot would run initially for up to 12 months and findings and recommendations for future action would be brought back to Cabinet to determine progression of collaborative working; 


delivery of the pilot would be overseen by the Safer Plymouth Partnership with update reports to the Project Manager (Director of Public Health) and the Cabinet Member. 


Councillor Penberthy (Cabinet Member for (Cabinet Member for Co-operatives, Housing and Community Safety) introduced the proposals which would aim to deal with issues in the community at the first point of contact.


Robin Carton (Head of Public Protection Service) also attended the meeting.


Cabinet Members were advised that - 



council and police officers would be empowered to resolve issues such as graffiti and abandoned cars;


this report was also linked to the reports on anti-social behaviour and building strong and inclusive communities which were also on today’s agenda;   


progress would be reported to the Your Plymouth Scrutiny Panel and that a further report would be submitted to Cabinet if the pilot was to be extended to other areas.


Alternative options considered and the reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Agreed -



the delivery of the Collaborative Enforcement Pilot;


to officers included in the Council’s scheme of delegations authorising suitable staff employed by Devon and Cornwall Police to undertake the enforcement functions assigned to the Authority (as stated by law and as may be identified by the proposed pilot);


the authorisation of council officers by Devon and Cornwall Police for the purposes of the pilot;


that the Co-operative Scrutiny Board is recommended to agree that Your Plymouth Scrutiny Panel works with the Safer Plymouth Partnership to identify how the findings of the Collaborative Enforcement pilot can be implemented on a city wide basis.