Issue - meetings

Questions by Members

Meeting: 26/01/2015 - City Council (Item 67)


Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.

Additional documents:


The following questions were asked to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors.







Councillor Mrs Bowyer

Councillor Vincent

She referred to a missed bin in the Eggbuckland Ward and her conversation with a member of staff. Was it true that there were insufficient refuse vehicles?

She was advised that the vehicle would return on Monday and it did not return until Friday.  If there are not enough vehicles how successful would the reorganisation be?


Cllr Vincent responded ‘No’ .


He accepted that the department needed to respond more efficiently but that following the last reorganisation there was an instance of waiting 13 weeks for a bin to be collected.  He emphasised that any reorganisation would have minor issues and that if details were provided to him he would look into it.  He urged councillors to contact him as soon as possible with any queries.



Councillor Parker Delaz Ajete

Councillor Penberthy

With reference to the question by Councillor Mrs Beer at the last Council meeting on Plympton Guildhall, was there any further information?


Councillor Penberthy responded that Plympton Guildhall was one of 14 active community asset transfer files. It had now been registered with the charity commission, the draft terms of the lease had been sent and the transfer was moving forward.  He had raised the issue with the Friends of Plympton Guildhall and they had responded that Councillor Mrs Beer was not a member, they understood the budget restraints and they were not concerned at the present state of the guildhall in terms of the handover.   



Councillor Bowyer

Councillor Evans

Had lessons been learnt and action taken following the shortcomings of exercise short sermon which had attracted adverse national coverage? 

Was the Temeraire Room still fully operational?


Councillor Evans responded that it was not his portfolio and that Councillor Peter Smith was the portfolio holder.



Councillor Hendy

Councillor Lowry

What was the latest update on the staff move to Ballard House?

When did he think that an announcement would be made?


Councillor Lowry responded that the majority of staff had now moved and about 70 people were left in the Civic Centre who would be moving in the next few months.  Officers had been actively engaging with the market for a solution for the Civic Centre building and he was working with officers to conclude the exercise.


He further responded that it was important to get the right proposal and to ensure that it was deliverable and he hoped to make an announcement in the next two weeks.



Councillor Fry

Councillor Peter Smith

Was it true that the outdoor ice rink would not be operating in the City Centre next winter?

A written response was sought.


Councillor Smith responded that it was not his responsibility as it was run by the City Centre Company and that he did not sit on the City Centre Company.


6  ...  view the full minutes text for item 67