Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/02/2015 - City Council (Item 72)

72 Updated Report on Delivering the Co-operative Vision Within a Four Year Budget and Proposed Council Tax 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 60 KB

The City Council will be asked to –



consider the updated report of the Chief Executive on delivering the co-operative vision within a four year sustainable budget and the proposed Council Tax levels for 2015/16; 


approve the proposed net revenue budget requirement for 2015/16;


approve the capital budget 2014/18;


approve the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual  Investment Strategy 2015/16;


note the mid-year review of the 2014/15 Treasury Management Strategy;


approve the appointment of an interim Section 151 officer;


note the capital and revenue monitoring report 2014/15;


approve the Council Tax for 2015/16.


The following Cabinet minutes of the meeting held on 10 February 2015 will also be submitted for consideration –


Appendix 1

Minute 125

Delivering the co-operative vision within a three year sustainable balanced budget.   

Appendix 2

For information: Cabinet’s response to the scrutiny recommendations and the scrutiny report.

Appendix 3

Minute 126

Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy 2015/16 and mid-year review of the 2014/15 Treasury Management Strategy;.

Appendix 4

Minute 127

Capital and revenue monitoring report 2014/15


Additional documents:


The Chief Executive submitted a written report updating members following the Cabinet meeting on 10 February 2015 on Delivering the Co-operative Vision within a Four Year Budget and Proposed Council Tax Levels 2015/16.


The City Council also considered –



Cabinet minute 125 (of 10 February 2015) and the Cabinet report on delivering the co-operative vision within a four year budget;


Cabinet minute 124 (of 10 February 2015) on Cabinet’s response to the Scrutiny Recommendations together with the Budget Scrutiny Report 2015/16;


Cabinet minute 126 (of 10 February 2015) on the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy 2015 /16 (together with the mid-year review of the Treasury Management Strategy;


the Capital and Revenue Monitoring Report 2014/15;


recommendations following confirmation that the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority had agreed to increase the precept on the Council by 1.99% and from the Chief Officers Appointments Panel with regard to the appointment of David Northey as interim Assistant Director for Finance S151 Officer pending the appointment of a permanent replacement.


Councillor Evans (Council Leader) -



thanked Councillor Lowry and the officers in the finance team for their hard work in enabling the recommendations for such a forward looking budget in very difficult circumstances and delivering last year’s budget almost on target;   


thanked Malcolm Coe (Assistant Director for Finance) for his work as this was his last meeting and wished him well in his new role with another Council;  


indicated that the government had cut funding for local services in Plymouth this year from £62m to £44m;



referred to the discrepancy in government funding which was being called the ‘missing millions’ particularly with regard to public health funding, roads and train services and pledged to continue to lobby for a fair deal for the city;     


reported that with the proposed budget, the Council would be prioritising jobs, skills and opportunities for young people, homes,  cleaner and safer streets and care for vulnerable adults and children; 


referred to the transformation programme which would enable the Council to change the way it delivered services by making it more efficient and joining with partners to protect and improve services;


highlighted forthcoming developments such as the new coach hub in the City Centre, the transformation of the Bretonside site and the History Centre;  


thanked Councillor Coker (Cabinet Member for Transport) for his leadership and negotiating skills in securing funding for Plymouth.  The Council was advised that an extra £4.8m would be spent on roads and pavements in 2015/16, in addition to the existing £5m revenue budget and transport improvements schemes would be implemented in the north of the city and for the Forder Valley Link Road;        


gave a commitment to keep weekly rubbish collections;


referred to the work of each of the Cabinet Members and thanked them for their work;


indicated that the Council would continue to improve schools for example at Pennycross Primary School;


reported that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72