Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 37)


Anthony Payne (Strategic Director for Place) will submit a report updating Cabinet on the progress of the History Centre project and on the outcome of the Heritage Lottery Fund mid-term review.  The report seeks approval of the business case, allocation of funding, the commencement of procurement and the delegated authority for the Strategic Director for Place (in consultation with Councillor Smith) to appoint the contractor.

The background paper (the equality impact assessment) can be accessed at the Council’s website Council and Democracy/Councillors and Committees/Library/Cabinet background papers or using the following hyperlink –

Additional documents:


Anthony Payne (Strategic Director for Place) submitted a report updating Cabinet on the progress of the History Centre project and on the outcome of the Heritage Lottery Fund mid-term review.  The report sought approval of the business case, allocation of funding, the commencement of procurement and delegated authority for the Strategic Director for Place (in consultation with Councillor Smith) to appoint the contractor.


Councillor Smith (Deputy Leader) introduced the proposals and on behalf of Cabinet, thanked the officers for working tirelessly on this project.


Gareth Simmons (Strategic Project Director) gave a presentation on the project and David Draffan (Assistant Director for Economic Development) and Paul Brookes (Programme Director) also attended the meeting for this item.


Alternative options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Agreed that –



Cabinet formally accepts that the conditions of the 3 September Cabinet decision have been met and to allocate a further sum of £2.5m in the capital programme for the History Centre project. 


the business case is approved.  



theofficers are authorised to commence the procurement of the works contractor in relation to the building and exhibition fit out of the History Centre.



the decision for award of the contract (appointment of the works contractor) is delegated to the Strategic Director for Place in consultation with Councillor Smith, Deputy Leader.