Issue - meetings
Protecting the Public
Meeting: 30/01/2017 - City Council (Item 61)
61 Protecting the Public PDF 105 KB
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Councillor P Davey proposed the motion and Councillor Penberthy seconded the motion on Protecting the Public. Following a vote, the motion was carried and Council agreed that -
· Council notes the concerns expressed by Dame Glenys Stacey, the head of Her Majesty’s Inspector of Prisons, regarding Community Rehabilitation Companies and the National Probation Service;
· Council is extremely concerned by the findings of two investigations into the brutal murder of Tanis Bhandari and the lack of sharing of licence conditions with the Police;
· Council is deeply concerned by the lack of action by the Ministry of Justice and other agencies to rectify a national issue regarding licences which is likely to lead to further offences being committed, which could be prevented;
· Council has a responsibility to ensure the safety of the public in Plymouth and to ensure action is taken to reduce risk wherever possible.
The City Council therefore agrees to –
1. make representations to the Ministry of Justice regarding our concerns;
2. ask local MPs and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall to similarly lobby the Ministry of Justice in respect of our concerns;
3. ask the Cabinet Member for Safer and Stronger Communities to take our concerns to Safer Plymouth, to work with community safety partners to ensure their working practices are reviewed in light of the findings.
(Councillor Nicholson abstained from voting on this item)