Issue - meetings

Saving Plymouth's Libraries - #SavePlymLibraries

Meeting: 30/01/2017 - City Council (Item 61)

61 Saving Plymouth's Libraries - #SavePlymLibraries pdf icon PDF 106 KB

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Councillor J Taylor proposed and Councillor Morris seconded a motion on the libraries service.


The Leader proposed and Councillor Jordan seconded amendments to the motion.


Following a vote, the amended motion was carried, and it was agreed that -


·         Plymouth City Council reconfirms its commitment to the letter and the spirit of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964, that each authority must run a “comprehensive and efficient” public library service for all persons”.  This is “comprehensive and efficient” for the user and not for the Council.


·         Plymouth’s libraries are vital for children who want to learn to read, adults who can't afford to buy books, people who use the computers and printers to find a job, do research, family history and to access online services. They provide book groups, children's events, and a host of other activities, organised both by the libraries and other groups. They are staffed by helpful professionals, and are valuable free, public spaces in a world that charges for everything.

Plymouth City Council notes that:

1.    the Place and Corporate Scrutiny Committee isto establish a Select Committee Review to report and make recommendations to Cabinet by Wednesday 19th July 2017, based on the information used to create the Plan for Libraries 2017-20, any other information that the Review gathers, and the results of the current consultation;


2.    any final decision on whether to close or re-provide any library service resulting from the Plan for Libraries consultation is to be referred to Council for consideration as to whether to endorse it.