Issue - meetings

Torbay Children's Services

Meeting: 29/01/2018 - City Council (Item 48)

48 Torbay Children's Services Contractual Partnership pdf icon PDF 203 KB

Cabinet Member: Councillor Bowyer (Leader).


Councillor Bowyer will submit recommendations on Torbay Children’s Services contractual arrangement.


Additional documents:


Councillor Ian Bowyer (Leader) presented the report on the Torbay Childrens’ Services Contractual Arrangement, Councillor Evans seconded the report. 


Following the vote, the Council agreed to endorse the Cabinet’s decision to enter into a formal contractual arrangement for Plymouth City Council to manage Torbay Council’s Children’s Services with effect from 1 April 2018.


For the Motion (50)

Councillors  Bowie,  Coker,  Davey,  Evans OBE,  Hendy,  Lowry,  McDonald, Morris,  Murphy,  Parker-Delaz-Ajete,  Rennie,  Smith,  Stevens,  J Taylor,  K Taylor,  Tuffin,  Tuohy,  Vincent,  Wheeler,  Ball,  Mrs Beer,  Bowyer,  Mrs Bowyer,  Churchill,  Darcy,  Deacon,  Downie,  Drean,  Fletcher,  Foster,  Fry,  James,  Jordan,  Kelly,  Martin Leaves,  Michael Leaves,  Mrs Leaves,  Dr Mahony,  Nicholson,  Mrs Pengelly,  Wigens,  Mrs Bridgeman,  Riley,  Storer,  Sparling,  Mavin,  Carson,  Winter,  Mrs Loveridge and Cook.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent/Did not vote (6)

Councillors Aspinall, Dann, Davey, Penberthy, Singh and Ricketts.

Meeting: 16/01/2018 - Cabinet (Item 67)

67 Torbay Children's Services pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


Councillor Mrs Beer, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People introduced the report.


Alison Botham, Assistant Director for Children’s Social Care, provided Cabinet with information on the process of due diligence. Following a short debate the Cabinet agreed –


1.    to progress the development of a contractual arrangement with Torbay Council to manage its Children’s Services, working with Torbay Council and the Commissioner for Children’s Services and under the guidance of the Department for Education to develop a detailed contract agreement.

2.    To delegate to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader and the Leader of the Opposition the development of the detailed contractual agreement.

3.    Recognises this opportunity to demonstrate strong sector-led leadership in the management of Children’s Services in Torbay.

4.    Recommends that Full Council endorse the Cabinet’s decision to enter into a formal contractual arrangement for Plymouth City Council to manage Torbay Council’s Children’s Services with effect from 1 April 2018.