Issue - meetings
Democratic and Community Engagement
Meeting: 29/01/2018 - City Council (Item 50)
50 Democratic and Community Engagement PDF 216 KB
Cabinet Member for HR/Democracy and Governance/Licensing: Councillor John Riley.
Councillor Riley will present the recommendations of the Constitutional Review Group for approval.
Additional documents:
- FINAL Councillor-led Democratic and Community Engagement - to Council 29.01.2018, item 50 PDF 315 KB
- Webcast for Democratic and Community Engagement
Councillor John Riley (Cabinet Member for HR/Democracy and Governance/Licensing) presented the report on Democratic and Community Engagement, Councillor Stevens seconded the report.
Following the vote, the Council agreed to
1. Agree the following priorities which comprise the programme of work proposed by CRG:
a. Providing a solid induction and good opportunities for follow-up training and development;
b. Improving information and data flow about wards/the city;
c. Engaging residents in different ways and responding to their concerns;
d. Clarifying ways to connect back to the Council through officers and democratic/governance processes;
e. Improving responsiveness from Council employees to questions and casework raised by Councillors;
f. Appropriately devolved funds that are directed to ward priorities and complement the baseline service;
g. Better utilising our networks to help solve problems collaboratively;
h. Ensuring Councillors are visible and accessible to residents.
2. Delegate to CRG responsibility for monitoring implementation of the detailed actions relating to the priorities within the programme of work outlined in recommendation 1
3. Note the intention to approve use of the Neighbourhood Initiative Fund through the regular budget setting process.
4. Delegate to the Monitoring Officer, via CRG, relevant amendments required to Appendix One (3) Neighbourhood Working of the Constitution.
For the Motion (50)
Councillors Bowie, Coker, Davey, Evans OBE, Hendy, Lowry, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Rennie, Smith, Stevens, J Taylor, K Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Wheeler, Ball, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Churchill, Darcy, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Fletcher, Foster, Fry, James, Jordan, Kelly, Martin Leaves, Michael Leaves, Mrs Leaves, Dr Mahony, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Wigens, Mrs Bridgeman, Riley, Storer, Sparling, Mavin, Carson, Winter, Mrs Loveridge and Cook.
Against the motion (0)
Abstentions (1)
Lord Mayor
Absent/Did not vote (6)
Councillors Aspinall, Dann, Davey, Penberthy, Singh and Ricketts.