Issue - meetings

Remuneration of the Independent Remuneration Panel Members

Meeting: 29/01/2018 - City Council (Item 51)

51 Remuneration of the Independent Remuneration Panel Members pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Cabinet Member for HR/Democracy and Governance/Licensing: Councillor John Riley.


Councillor Riley will present the recommendations of the Constitutional Review Group for approval.

Additional documents:


Councillor John Riley (Cabinet Member for HR/Democracy and Governance/Licensing) presented the report on Remuneration of the Independent Remuneration Panel Members, Councillor Stevens seconded the report. 


Following the vote, the Council agreed to


  1. Remunerate members of the Independent Remuneration Panel at the LGA daily rate, assuming payment for each day of formal meetings, 0.5 days preparation for members and 1 day preparation for the Chair.
  2. Note that recruitment for additional members of the Panel will be undertaken during early 2018 and that, where relevant, the opportunity to share a Panel (and therefore costs) with another Local Authority will be explored.



For the Motion (49)

Councillors  Bowie,  Coker,  Davey,  Evans OBE,  Hendy,  Lowry,  McDonald, Morris,  Murphy,  Parker-Delaz-Ajete,  Rennie,  Smith,  Stevens,  J Taylor,  K Taylor,  Tuffin,  Tuohy,  Vincent,  Wheeler,  Ball,  Mrs Beer,  Bowyer,  Mrs Bowyer,  Churchill,  Darcy,  Deacon,  Downie,  Drean,  Fletcher,  Fry,  James,  Jordan,  Kelly,  Martin Leaves,  Michael Leaves,  Mrs Leaves,  Dr Mahony,  Nicholson,  Mrs Pengelly,  Wigens,  Mrs Bridgeman,  Riley,  Storer,  Sparling,  Mavin,  Carson,  Winter,  Mrs Loveridge and Cook.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent/Did not vote (7)

Councillors Aspinall, Dann, Davey, Foster, Penberthy, Singh and Ricketts.