Issue - meetings

Tendered Bus Service Network Review

Meeting: 10/07/2018 - Cabinet (Item 17)

17 Local Bus Service Contract Award pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Additional documents:


  1. to award 8 year contracts for bus services being re-tendered (7D, 13, 14, 18, 19, 31, 39, 52 and 223) with amendments to routes and timetables based on findings from on-bus surveys and knowledge developed over the current contract term to the tenderer offering best value for money, Stagecoach South West;


  1. to award the contract for the new service into Sherford to the tenderer offering best value for money, Stagecoach South West;


  1. to award the contract for replacement services for the commercial de-registered services to the tenderer offering best value for money, Plymouth Citybus.



Councillor Coker (Cabinet Member for Strategic Infrastructure and Planning) introduced the report.   Members were asked to consider information in the Part II report when considering the recommendations for approval.  It was highlighted that-


a.     the contract for nine council subsidised bus services ended in November 2018;

b.    the nine services accounted for over 2 per cent of bus journeys in the city;

c.     the nine services were last tendered in 2013, since then operating costs had risen but despite this the tendered network was being maintained;

d.    the contract award would be in place for eight years;

e.    an hourly Monday-Saturday daytime service into the new Sherford had been included in the tender exercise and was funded by Section 106 contributions.


For the reasons set out in the report Cabinet agreed –


  1. to award 8 year contracts for bus services being re-tendered (7D, 13, 14, 18, 19, 31, 39, 52 and 223) with amendments to routes and timetables based on findings from on-bus surveys and knowledge developed over the current contract term to the tenderer offering best value for money, Stagecoach South West;


  1. to award the contract for the new service into Sherford to the tenderer offering best value for money, Stagecoach South West;


  1. to award the contract for replacement services for the commercial de-registered services to the tenderer offering best value for money, Plymouth Citybus.