Issue - meetings

Questions by Members

Meeting: 28/01/2019 - City Council (Item 76)

Questions by Councillors

Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.

Additional documents:






Councillor Evans OBE

Councillor Morris

Imposition of Martial Law in relation to Britain’s Exit from the European Union.


Councillor Dr John Mahoney

Councillor Kate Taylor

Confidence in the Council’s business continuity arrangements.


Councillor Fletcher


Councillor Coker

Barracks Road Car park

Councillor Corvid

Councillor Dann

Litter / Rubbish on the verge of the A38.


Councillor Deacon

Councillor Dann

Dog fouling.


Councillor Jordan

Councillor Haydon

Judicial Review in Wakefield regarding Taxi Licensing.


Councillor Drean

Councillor Dann

Allocation of potholes funding from Central Government.


Councillor Bridgeman

Councillor Dann / Haydon


Councillor Haydon undertook to provide figures on enforcement action undertaken and cost in relation to clearance of fly tipping incidents.


Councillor Churchill


Councillor Coker

Cycle Tracks in the East of the City and beyond.


Councillor Mrs Johnson

Councillor Dann

Cleaning on Mutley Plain.

Councillor Dann undertook to publish the schedule of cleaning to be undertaken in District Shopping Centres.


Councillor Beer

Councillor Jon Taylor

School standards / attainment in Plymouth.



Councillor Mrs Bowyer


Councillor Dann

Time taken to deal with dog fouling.

Councillor Pengelly

Councillor Evans OBE


IT Failure.

Councillor Nicholson

Councillor McDonald

Allowances paid to Regional Adoption Panel independent members.


Councillor Bowyer

Councillor Jon Taylor

IT Failure.

Councillor Taylor undertook to provide information on the outage to all members.


Councillor Darcy

Councillor Dann

Work in relation to Cot Hill Bridge.



Please note that questions, answers, supplementary questions and supplementary answers have been summarised.