Issue - meetings

Delegation of functions to Audit and Governance Committee

Meeting: 19/11/2018 - City Council (Item 55)

55 Audit and Governance Committee Recommendations pdf icon PDF 49 KB

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Councillor Kate Taylor (Chair of Audit and Governance Committee) moved recommendations from the Committee, Councillor Peter Smith (Deputy Leader) seconded the report.


Councillor Patrick Nicholson moved to refer the item back to the Committee.  The motion was seconded by Councillor Ian Bowyer (Leader of the opposition), following a debate and vote the motion was lost.


Following a debate on the substantive motion the recommendations were put to the vote and were carried.  Council agreed to authorises the Audit and Governance Committee to approve changes to the Constitution, set out in Appendix One to the report; subject to Council retaining responsibility for the core documents in the Constitution.


Meeting: 01/10/2018 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 41)

41 Delegation of functions to Audit and Governance Committee pdf icon PDF 49 KB


Linda Torney (Assistant Head of Legal Services) presented the Delegation of functions to Audit & Governance Committee.


The purpose of this report was to recommend that Council authorise the Audit and Governance Committee to approve changes to the Constitution, subject to Council retaining responsibility for those functions set out in Appendix One to the report.


This would improve the efficiency of the decision making process, and maintain open and transparent decision making.


The Audit and Governance Committee agreed to recommend that Council authorises the Audit and Governance Committee to approve changes to the Constitution, set out in Appendix One to the report; subject to Council retaining responsibility for the core documents in the Constitution.