Issue - meetings

Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry Future Funding

Meeting: 28/01/2019 - City Council (Item 69)

69 Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry Future Funding pdf icon PDF 320 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Mark Coker (Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure) introduced the report on the Future Funding of the Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry.  Councillor George Wheeler seconded the report.


Following a vote, Council agreed that an application be made to the Department for Transport for tolls to increase by one-third, applied pro-rata to the current toll classification table, detailed as follows:


Proposed Schedule of Tolls effective from 1 July 2019


Class & Description

Current Charge

Proposed Charge

Class I (Motorcycles) – Tamar Bridge



Class I (Motorcycles) – Torpoint Ferry



Class II (private passenger vehicles, vans and light goods up to 3.5T and vehicles not classified elsewhere)




Class III (vehicles above 3.5T with two axles)



Class III (vehicles with three axles)



Class V (vehicles with more than 3 axles)




  1. trailers, caravans etc charged at the same rate as the towing vehicle
  2. discount rates for TamarTag crossings remain unchanged with a 50% discount of the full cash toll for each class of vehicle, excluding motorcycles using the Torpoint Ferry
  3. charges for abnormal loads at both crossings remain unchanged
  4. charges for special crossings of the ferry remain unchanged.

Meeting: 11/12/2018 - Cabinet (Item 79)

79 Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry Future Funding pdf icon PDF 321 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Mark Coker (Cabinet Member for Strategic Transport and Infrastructure) introduced a report on the future funding of the Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry. 


Following a short debate members agreed to recommend to Full Council that an application be made to the Department for Transport for tolls to increase by one-third, applied pro-rata to the current toll classification table, detailed as follows:


Proposed Schedule of Tolls effective from 1 July 2019


Class & Description

Current Charge

Proposed Charge

Class I (Motorcycles) – Tamar Bridge



Class I (Motorcycles) – Torpoint Ferry



Class II (private passenger vehicles, vans and light goods up to 3.5T and vehicles not classified elsewhere)




Class III (vehicles above 3.5T with two axles)



Class III (vehicles with three axles)



Class V (vehicles with more than 3 axles)















  1. trailers, caravans etc charged at the same rate as the towing vehicle
  2. discount rates for TamarTag crossings remain unchanged with a 50% discount of the full cash toll for each class of vehicle, excluding motorcycles using the Torpoint Ferry
  3. charges for abnormal loads at both crossings remain unchanged
  4. charges for special crossings of the ferry remain unchanged.