Issue - meetings

Working Together

Meeting: 11/06/2019 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Working Together to Safeguard Children (to follow) pdf icon PDF 657 KB

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Councillor Laing (Cabinet Member for Children and Young People) introduced the report on new multi-agency safeguarding arrangements.


The report set out the proposed approach to comply with the Working Together guidance through revised multi-agency strategic safeguarding arrangements.


Following a short debate and having considered the information in the reports, Cabinet agreed to:


Approve and adopt the proposal for the new multi-agency strategic safeguarding arrangements set out at section 3 of the report, including:


·         Replacement of the existing Local Safeguarding Children Boards with one Plymouth and Torbay Joint Strategic Safeguarding Partnership;

·         The current Independent Chair role will be replaced with a single Independent Quality Assurance role that has oversight for reviewing and improving safeguarding practice;

·         The Plymouth and Torbay Joint Strategic Safeguarding Partnership (PTJSSP) will co-ordinate safeguarding services; act as a strategic leadership group in supporting and engaging others and shall implement local and national learning from serious child safeguarding incidents.

·         The PTJSSP will establish one method of working for delivering quality assurance, performance management, multi-agency workforce development, serious child safeguarding reviews and monitoring and review the Peninsula Child Death Overview Process (CDOP) across both Plymouth and Torbay.