Issue - meetings

School Attendance Consultation and Revised Code of Conduct on Penalty Notices

Meeting: 11/02/2020 - Cabinet (Item 34)

34 School Attendance Consultation and Revised Code of Conduct on Penalty Notices pdf icon PDF 139 KB

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Councillor Taylor, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Transformation introduced the report on School Attendance Consultation and Revised Code of Conduct on Penalty Notices.


Following a discussion, Cabinet agreed that Councillor Taylor be authorised to take a decision on the 10th of March.



Councillor Taylor, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Transformation introduced the report on School Attendance Consultation and Revised Code of Conduct on Penalty Notices.


Following a discussion, Cabinet agreed that Councillor Taylor be authorised to take a decision on the 10th of March.


This code of conduct policy has been reviewed to ensure that schools are supported to improve attendance at school. This consultation has clarified the policy and delivers pledge 42 of the Labour manifesto, this balances the views of schools and parents given in the consultation.


The option proposed in the paper changes the threshold for unauthorised absence from 8 to 11 sessions for unauthorised holiday absence only. There is a balance in trying to work in partnership to support regular attendance at school but acknowledging there may be times families need to take holidays outside of regular school holidays. Feedback for example included that from wives of military personnel whose husbands are often not home during school holidays. This change would therefore better support our armed forces community.