Issue - meetings

Questions by the Public

Meeting: 14/06/2021 - City Council (Item 5)

Questions by the Public

To receive questions from and provide answers to the public in relation to matters which are about something the council is responsible for or something that directly affects people in the city, in accordance with Part B, paragraph 11 of the Constitution.


Questions, of no longer than 50 words, can be submitted to the Democratic Support Unit, Plymouth City Council, Ballard House, West Hoe Road, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ, or email to Any questions must be received at least five complete working days before the meeting.

Additional documents:


The following question was submitted by Mr Alan Ramage and answered by Councillor Nick Kelly (Leader of the Council).


Question: "Investing to Save the Planet" by Alice Ross of the Financial Times explains how investing in "best in class" companies transitioning to a low carbon future and researching into low carbon solutions enables our money to make a difference. Will PCC ask its pensions fund managers to do this?


Answer: Plymouth City Council is a member of the Devon Pension Fund. This is not the Plymouth City Council pension fund and as such Plymouth City Council are reliant upon Devon County Council to set their strategic decisions as we have no direct control over the fund or its administration. However, the Devon Pension Fund (DPF) has pledged its portfolio of investments will be net zero by 2050 at the latest.  The funds investments in companies classed as carbon intensive have fallen significantly over the last few years. When last measured in December 2019 it showed a 21.5% reduction when compared to 9 months previously. In the short term the fund has committed to invest £200 million into renewable energy infrastructure funds by the Brunel pension partnership. The DPF work with the Brunel Pension partnership will decarbonise all it’s current investments at a rate of 7% a year and to increase investments into carbon solutions.

The DPF committed to not only reducing the carbon footprint of current investments but to ensure that in the long term investments are carbon neutral.

There had been two questions submitted by the public. 


The following question was submitted by Mrs Sonia Hosking and answered by Councillor Nick Kelly (Leader of the Council).


Question: In light of the growing antisocial behaviour in Southway and particularly the recent constant vandalism to the fence on bond Street field, do the council have any intention or budget for considering CCTV for the safety and well-being of the residents and be a deterrent for the offenders?


Answer: Plymouth City Council remains committed to addressing matters relating to anti-social or criminal behaviour to minimise the impact this has on communities and victims.

Since being made aware of the emerging issues in Southway, Plymouth City Council have been working in partnership with Devon and Cornwall Police to develop an intelligence picture in the area to consider the tactical deployment of resources.


Reviewing information, we are currently not able to substantiate the deployment of a rapid CCTV solutions, however this information will continue to be reviewed by the multi-agency arrangements set up.


The partnership approach has resulted in the implementation of a localised problem-solving plan with the Community Connections Community Youth Pop Up team, carrying out 'feet on the street' patrols, engaging with those identified in order to direct them into alternative activities and offer support where required. Further to this the local policing team will be carrying out increased patrols throughout the area to develop intelligence, provide immediate interventions where required, engage with those concerned and offer reassurance to local residents.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5